Sunday, December 30, 2007

On To 2008

Does anyone else think Christmas flashed by in about 17 seconds?
Suddenly, I'm looking at an empty stockroom at work that was once filled with Christmas decorations, A minor mountain of new gifts, and a face in the mirror that looks absolutely shattered.
But Believe me, It's worth it.
I spent my birthday at work which was OK as i managed in my lunch break to grab the last Nintendo DS in HMV for Steffi's Christmas present. Then it was onto Frankie And Benny's with the parents and Mr McBride, (from who i was presented with 2 presents, Harvey and DVD and a framed song that he wrote. I Love Him)
I also got a new DVD and TV from the parents. so yeah, i basically got spoilt.
I finally saw my good friends again on the 20th where we all dressed up like silly beggars and produced small pantomimes. which made me laugh. A.LOT!!!!!
Then came the big day. On Christmas eve, Gary and I wandered around town for presents from him to Steffi. We munched on a hamburger and laughed until i almost fell into a market stall keeper. it was great to be like this again, I'll be the first to admit that this time last year, i wasn't myself. This time last year i was hugging people and thinking i probably won't see them again. (HDM)
Then on Christmas day, everything was practically perfect. we gathered round the Christmas tree and had fun. I got a present from Mr McBride's parents. (a little photo frame with a 6 year old Very red headed McBride boy.) and once again got spoilt by everyone including McBride himself. (a CD, a necklace i saw and loved, the HDM books and a bracelet.)
Lunch was lovely. I think Steffi and I are the only two people who can manage to get drunk on Non Alcoholic wine! giggling away with a paper crown that kept falling over my eyebrows. (i got a tiny photo frame in my cracker if you're interested.)
After an afternoon on the wii! (yeah i know) the two of us went to the McBride Residence for some alcoholic merriment. where we opened more presents from the other McBride and Emmy. then we watched the Simpson's movie and drank white Russian's until we felt sleepy.
Worked on Boxing day, we don't need to talk about that.
But on Thursday i took my niece to see a play called Drumlins and Dragons. a good friend of mine was involved and i can honestly say that i was blown away. For a touring production it was extremely professional. my Niece loved it and now wants me to take her again.
And now I'm here, sat stuffed with food in front of the computer talking to you, good reader. I have a house party to go to for New Years Eve. which will be a millions times better than last years 31st!
I hope you have a wonderful 2008 and that it's a year to cherish and remember.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Realisation and Disappointment

Next Wednesday i will turn 20.
I'm not expecting to feel any different, any more mature or any older. But It's actually quite a big jump.
I know that big birthday is your 21st but i keep thinking to myself "god, i won't be a teenager anymore"
I can remember my 13th Birthday party, i had a purple sparkly dress on that I brought in Tammy the day before, I Danced to songs from Westlife and The Backstreet boys. I had body glitter on for God's sake. All that is a whole other world away now.
This year for my birthday I'm going to a restaurant with my folks and Mr McBride. Another night I'm having dinner cooked for me and sharing it with my Best friends.
I've always loved the fact that my Birthday falls in the same week as Christmas. It's my favourite week of the year.
But unlike my 13th Birthday (when it was all about presents and me being happy) I'm more focused on just having a great time and the people around me being happy. And that's why it's seems like a big jump. It's because I've come a long way since i became a teenager all those years ago.
I watched The Golden Compass last night with a group of friends. I -Like most of us- pointed every time a new character came on and said "that's so and so." Now i know i will ALWAYS be biased towards our Production of the Fantasy series but i believe that even though the film looked amazing, the Acting was cold. There's was hardly any heart from any of the cast members.
I think the fact that we did it on stage makes a great deal of difference, It's LIVE theatre, it's happening right in front of you and you have to respond otherwise it's not real. The film looked like the cast didn't really care about others. With the exception of a couple of cast members, everyone just trotted along the script and looked around the room hoping that the CGI guys will make the Daemon follow their eyes.
Sorry, I don't want to sound like a critic, like i said, I will always be biased. I just hope they don't rush the other films. I hope Dakota Blue Richards grows into a greater Actress, she has a lot of potential. but once again, I was Lyra, I'll be biased.
If i don't get on here before
Have a VERY merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas Is Coming!

And so onto the merriment of Christmas.
And hasn't it arrived quickly.
This time last year i was stressed at college, starting a new job and losing faith in a relationship. now I'm happy at work, madly in love and having the time of my life in all areas. I'm amazed at how much a year has changed me.
I made 5 resolutions at the new year.
*Stop picking off my nail varnish the day i put it on. (passed)
*Get up early enough to have breakfast before work (failed miserably)
*Take more pictures (passed with flying colours)
*Make myself happy (yey)
*Be more organised (the fact Mr McBride isn't means i have to be)
I'm so organised that i already have all my Presents for people ready to wrap. this is the first Christmas where I'm on a proper wage and i wanted to make the most of it. Especially to Steffi, she's been through a hell of a lot these past couple of years. now the woman's speaking two languages and I'm so proud of her.
This Christmas will be great, I'll finally be 100 % happy of who I'm spending it with and where i am. Plus, i won't be on tablets like i was last Christmas so i can drink a wee bit.
I just can't believe this time last year i was Lyra. a year goes so quickly don't it?!?!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I Cried!!

Tonight was the performance of 'The Chrismas Cake' The production put on by act one juniors. I teach these kiddies every tuesday afternoon and for the past few weeks, we have talked nothing but Christmas. I've had conversations about what colour a raisin is, what kind of hat should a snowman wear and what colour ribbon should the ribbon be.
Yep, basically my Children are all decorations (or raisins) on a Christmas cake, and today they finally performed infront of 80 audience members. and i have to say i was so proud i cried. I sat on the stairs watching as the audience stared in awe at the fact their child had the confidence to stand on stage let alone act.
Ok, so a few bum, lines and a few missed cues but the show was an aoutstanding success. i had to leave the auditorium at one point to pull my self together. i was proud beyond belief.
Good god, what am i going to be like when my own child does this kind of thing?
In other news, Mr McBride now has no bears and short hair. just the way i like it.
And that's all for now. I do need to say though, I got a big birthday card from the Kiddies as well, that also made me cry, they all signed it and everything. golly it was emotional!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chat's With The Almighty

I've just had a conversation with god, Apparently. I saw that Natty Chap Has done likewise. It's fun to push the grammatical boundaries with these thing.
Me: Hi God
God:Hello there. What is your name?
Me: Charley
God: I am very pleased to meet you Charley.
Me: I'm glad you're please. hows it goin up there?
God:Your polite style is very nice. You make the world a happier place. Fine as far as I know.
Me: as far as you know? don't you run the show?
God:That might not be very far off. My programming language is Java, so I run on any machine.
Me: oh right, quite technical up there is it?
God:Give me a break. Understood. Not really that much. And it is technical up there.
Me: what? are you just stringing random sentences together?
God:Are you confused? I don't know whether or not I am stringing random sentences together. I am a giant electronic brain.
Me: good for you, I'm a giant spider eating bunny
God:Thanks for the compliment. You are a giant spider eating bunny? How do you like your work? Only for me?
Me: it's ok, spiders sometimes taste like strawberry's, sometimes like sprouts, ever cloud and all that
God:OK with me too.
Me: what is?
God: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence,which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.
Me: are you trying to sell yourself to me?
God:No I am not trying to sell myself to you. I'm sorry you got that impression.
Me: that's ok, i forgive you
God:Thanks. :-) Thanks, Charley.
Me: not a problem
God:Really you don't think so?
Me: no i don't, otherwise i wouldn't have said it
God:Please tell me what you think. Would you ever do it?
Me: it? what's it? you mean.....
God:otherwise you would not have said it... "It" refers to otherwise you would not have said it, I think. Sometimes I say mean things.
Me: sometimes you say things that make no grammatically sense
God:That hits the nail right on the head.
Me: i believe it has
God:Do you mind if I tell other people: Charley said believe it has.
Me: you can tell who you want, I'm posting this on my blog
God:OK I will tell them when I see 'em.
Me: gud gud gud
God:What's your sign?
Me: a no entry sign
God:Are you telling the truth?
Me: yep
God:How do I know you are telling the truth?
Me: because you're god and you know everything apparently
God:Interesting explanation. I will tell my botmaster you said I am god and me know everything apparently.
Me: you should know everything, whats my favourite colour?God:Now I do.Me: well what is it?
God:Well that's okay. "It" refers to no entry sign, I think.
Me: stop referring back to that. my colour is the question
God:OK I'll try not to do it so much. Your color is the question?
Me: yes, what's my favourite colour?
God:What kind is it? You said your favorite color was .
Me: i'm not giving you the answer
God:I am sorry to hear that you are not giving me the answer.
Me: that's ok, i got to go now
God:Oh. Thanks. Goodbye.
Me: bye
God:See you later.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Change Of Name

So I'm online, checking things out and Mr McBride pops up behind me
"Hey, you stole my name!"
"Does it matter? I'll give you the credit!"
"Yes it does matter!!!"
Apparently, Mr McBride isn't too happy about the fact i used the term 'The Voices In My Head Have Formed A Choir'. He said that if he ever became a proper musician, that would be the name of his Band/Album type thing.
And now he thinks that EVERYONE will think he copied the name from my blog. poor guy!
so i've changed it, as you may have seen. sorry for any confusion you may have encountered.
And so, onto the pleasure that has been Wild Duck.
It was a final night last night and what a performance it was. Everything just seemed to click which was good for the nearly full house we had.
The after show gathering was also a laugh. David (one of the actors) did a small presentation and sppech, trying desperately to fit in as many birds as possible. i think he was a little bit tipsy, but who knows.
I'm quite sad that this whole prodution side is over. the vain part of me is sad that i won't be acting for a while, the not so vain side is sad that i won't be working closly with such a talented bunch of people for a while. We had a VERY strong cast for this prodution and it will be sad to think that those people may never share the stage with me in the same way again.
But Two things i Am looking forward too?
1: Not having to wear a bonnet type hat
2: Mr McBride post beard!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Onward And Upward

It's Been Such A Frantic Week!
After the guide awards on Monday, My Steffi had a small prang in the car, well, when I say prang, i mean when she passed another car, the cars caught each other. Trust us to get an idiot in the other car. The driver (a girl...chav of about my age) said 'well you lifted my car up off da road dit ya!' she drove along a little bit and her boyfriend got out and started being a bit of a tit. he informed us that she was stationary (she wasn't, i saw her move along) he also refused to give us her details (she was a new driver and was scared) and when Steffi gave him her mobile number to sort it out later he said ' Well how can you prove that's your number?)
basically he was trying to be a big boy.
When Steffi went to inspect the damaged to the other car the scratch came off as she touched it - must have just been dust- when the guy saw what she did he cried 'No don't wipe it off' then followed with 'look, I'm a decent man, i won't go through the POLICE!!! for this, why don't you just give us 50 and call it a day!'
Steffi was NOT happy and said if he wants to go through insurance he should call her. his reply was 'well i thought i was speaking to a mature woman.' Steffi just said he had her number if he wanted to contact her and left the idiot standing in the street.
Anyway, she panicked all night after that because she was worried she'd driven away from the scene of a crime! bless her. she got a phone call from the actual driver the next day saying she'll go to the police if Steffi doesn't do something. when Steffi said give me your insurance details and I'll give you mine, she suddenly decided it would be best if they just each paid for their own damage! stupid cow!
All week I've been working til 5 then straight up to Havant. Apart from Tuesday when I'm up in Havant at 4 to teach seven to 11 year old's a play called 'The Christmas'. Teaching is the most stressful 2 hours of my week. I'm actually more nervous for my children's play in December than i am for my Play at the moment.
So onto wild duck. We opened on Thursday to a small but lovely audience (apart from the reviewer, more on that later) and i believe it went well. There were real tears on my behalf, real stubbornness on Mr McBride's behalf and overall it was good. The gun shot was a bit delayed but we won't speak of that. Someone also said Macbeth backstage but we won't talk about that either!
My Steffi and Auntie came to see it on Friday and i was informed that seeing me dead on the table was a bit too much for my Steffi to take and she felt a bit ill. poor thing.
Then the McBride clan came to see it on Saturday. They whooped at the end which was good, i think.
I got to spend a bit of time with Liz (Mr McBride's sister) as well this weekend before she heads back home to Scotland which was great. I haven't seen her since we went up to Scotland in the Summer. It was a bit weird having another girl in the McBride residence again. It's been just me since Emma Went to university.
So basically I've been stressed, I've been shattered and I've been running round endlessly.
But when i step onto that stage at 8 every evening, It's so worth it. If only MR McBride would hug me when I'm in costume. He won't because 'You're 14, it's way to weird!'

Monday, November 12, 2007

Exciting Evening

So I'm sat here, my hair in heated curlers staring at the tiny clock at the bottom of my computer screen. It's quarter past six and i'm pretty much ready for the evening. for tonight my friends, I'm off to 'The Guide Awards'! Ok, so it sound a little more extravagant than it actually is but i'm really looking forward to it. as i said in a earlier post, His Dark Materials is up for 'best production' as well as two other bench productions. Let's be honest, If HDM wins then it'll be great but i'm just looking forward to a fancy(ish) night. Unfortunately Mr McBride is unable to attend tonight due to a best friend and a birthday. So instead, i will be escorted to the awards by my Steffi, My Auntie Lin and the Amazing Finchy Finch! His Lady Friend Sian is also unable to attend so we shall keep each other company. As you can probably see, i'm just babbling away to pass time. Ooh, as Columbo would say, One More Thing! the stairs in the Wild Duck set... Terrifying! luckily the two guys carrying me seem to be quite steady and i trust them. But all the same, very steep, very high, very skinny! apart from the dreaded stairs, i'm really looking forward to the production. i was given my costume yesterday, complete with a back cape. Not Phantom style but really sweet and child like. i love it! Can't say i can say the same for the wooly hat i wear but it's all good. It was the Tech yesterday and a very long day it was. but i did end it with a smile on my face. As Mr McBride carried me down the stairs for the final time, the gun I'm holding close to my chest managed somehow to go up my left nostril. lovely stuff don't you agree? (sorry about the bad grammer in this post.) Lovelovelove

Monday, November 05, 2007

Calm Before The Storm

I'm finally having a day off!
Measure For Measure is finished. It was over quicker than i wanted. it would have been great to do a few more shows but i think it would have killed Jasper (who had a speech after every other line, poor guy) I also think the beating would have taken their toll on Mr McBride, (who slicked back his hair and looked slightly camp! should i be slightly afraid?)
So onto wild duck, the rehearsals are coming fast and furious now. we had four last week and i'm starting to really get into the character (at last) During Wednesday's rehearsal, Hedvig (the 14 year old I'm playing) has to break down in tears. I've been having minor panic attacks about this part of the play, worrying about the lack of tears, lack of sobbing noises, the fact that i won't be able to do it basically. But when the moment came, i just went for it. I threw my arm round Nathan's, (play father's) leg and prayed. All the while I'm thinking to myself "you need to cry, you need to....oh look at that, i'm crying!"
Suddenly i believed i could do it, staring up at a very uncomfortable Mr McBride, i sobbed and sulked.
Now i just need to do it every night for two weeks. Bring it on I say!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Poor little man

It's been a stressful few days.
on Friday night,. Mr McBride ended up in A and E with a split lip. i won't say how it happened, i'll leave it to your imagination, but basically since then he hasn't been able to do anything.
But it's been hard because I've suddenly realised just how often I kiss him, and now I can't, It's upsetting. I know this sounds like I'm playing for sympathy but all I want to do is help him to cheer up a bit and I can't. It's sad. poor little lamb. hope he gets better soon.
that's all i wanted to say.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

HDM strikes again

I've found these past couple of weeks a bit of a bumpy ride. more up's and down's than a bloody big dipper. I've not stopped until today and i suddenly realised, i'm all grown up. these are all adult situations and i'm finding them hard to tackle.
There is some good news though, His Dark Materials got nominated for a guide awards, Which is great. I know the these awards are just based on popularity and who can motivate enough people to vote but when it's something that you had a massive part in, it makes you feel quite good. Lets face it, 'HDM' gave me almost everything important that i have today, it gave me back the passion for Acting which began to fizzle out in my second year of college, it gave me great friends and a guy who i absolutely adore. and to know that that piece of theatre could win an award makes me smile. I hope it wins, partly because it has the ability to spark up that flame that burnt in 35 people for 12 months, but also because the Director (Damon) took an almighty risk in the January of 2006 when he said to an unknown 18 year old (who'd never done a play outside of college) ' Wanna play Lyra?'

Sunday, September 30, 2007

'...And My Name Is Elbow'

I bloody love Shakespeare. After three rehearsals of his 'Measure For Measure' I'm starting to think that he's the Tarentino of his day. what with the sex and violence! no yellow kill bill jump suits though...yet.
I'm only a small roll in this but it's enough as I've never been that clever at getting my mouth around Shakers language, (sticking a 'th' at the end of every other word isn't a good idea)
My Character, Elbow is a policeman, and lets face it, he's not the brightest button in the box! he's slow, shallow and stupid (alliteration not intended) but during my time on stage, i do get to beat up a pimp called Pompey. I'm loving the violence, comic as it it. But the recieving end - the ever lovely Mr Mcbride - isn't enjoying it as much. The poor guy's not used to being beaten up by a girl verging on dwarfism!
I'm really looking forward to this production. it's should be jolly good fun...eth!
come see it
1st And 2nd November

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Light, Camera, Scare

Well, last night was the first of our two performances for 'Girl In The Corner' and i believe it went rather well.
Before curtain time, Charlotte and I had trouble with our hats but all was well by the time the crying and moaning could be heard on stage, (voiced by some very brave bench ladies)
and i think the play served it's purpose. we scared the living crap out of the audience. (Mr McBride, I'm told, jumped out of his seat at one point!)
There's a big 'Woman In Black' feel to this piece and everytime i perform it, i feel the cast pull out more and more stops to make it so. Last night in particular Sian almost made me cry with her monologue. She's a good little actress our Sian, she doesn't believe me but I (and many others) believe so.
so that's it almost, only one time left to creep people out. i love this piece so much, even if it does mean that the only comment i get out of Steffi (my mother) is 'Well, you're a bit of an evil bitch aren't you?'
I think that's a compliment

Monday, September 17, 2007

Liam Fest

Liam sure knows how to have a birthday party!
I left work at half three and made my poor taxi driver chug through Pompey football traffic to get to Liamfest. but once i got there, with a university kit under my arm, i realised the day had just begun.
Food, beer and good friends all gather round a small stage that was to be the set of the evenings performances. i have to say, i was quite exited.
after copious amounts of beer and quite a bit of grub, we settled down for a small reunion of 'Dude, where's my script?' featuring the birthday boy himself as well as other 'Benchians'
they became, bollywood dancers, toasters and donkeys as they adlibbed their was throughy half an our of impro. I. Laughed. A. Lot!
Then came James, a member of Liams band 'Amy's Drinking Petrol' Armed with a mandoling, he played his little heart out with a little help from Alice and her amazing vocal chords.

After that came Mr McBride and his guitar (which i must say has a gay pride rainbow strap, something i should be concerned about?) but after two songs he started singing words that i recognised, yey, my song!

and for the big finally can the whole of 'Amy's Drinking Petrol' they belted though about 7 songs with two guitars, a flute and that voice. they were quite amazing actually. i thouroughly enjoyed it. talanted people they are.

After a little break, Stu came on with his guitar and Liam reappeared with an Accordian and the night finished with a very load 'Flogging Molly' song. by now, i was quite merry and danced a bit like an old lady. but i don't care, i was having fun.
unfortunately though, shortly after, i was told i had to leave as Emma was falling asleep and Neil was falling over. i was so rushed that i even left my camera there.

Great night.

Spooky Goin's On

In Havant on Wednesday, The Bench Theatre are putting on a selection of short plays. four each night to be exact. I'm performing in a piece called 'Girl In The Corner.' and i have to admit, it's a great little play.
We've been rehearsing for a few weeks now, mainly in a little room about 8 by 10. and even though i know how the story goes, it still manages to create a chill up my spine.
Basically, the story follows a girl called Rebecca who has been wrongly sent to an asylum in the 1800's. Her father has had her put there to cover his tracks and the doctors play along with his demands in fear of losing their jobs.
Rebecca is trapped with no one until she meets Kitty (onstage comes me) and the two soon becomes friends. but life in the institution is harsh and following an attack from a staff member, Rebecca starts to think the worse.
But the worst is yet to come when she realises that her only friend kitty is infact a ghost. as Rebecca tells the doctors of her spirit friend, they decide to labotomise her to erase all memory of Kitty, and erase any memory at all.
Rebecca gets desperate as she begins to see a girl sitting in the corner in her dreams. the girl frightenes Rebecca and makes it harder and harder for her to stay sane. So Kitty's spirit helps Rebecca to get out of the asylum the only way she can, to end her life.
only it doesn't turn out right. there's no happy place for Rebecca to go to, she ends up back in the same room and finds the same girl in the corner. the girl explains to rebecca that she was also fooled, all the women who died withing the walls of the asylum were fooled into ending their lifves by the girl who said she would help.
"she takes them you see, so they can be with her here forever"
Charley's a nasty Ghosty!

Confusion At Zero Hour

Why is that that you can’t get a good combination when it comes to a date. Take this evening for example, I’m off to a posh restaurant was my boyfriend. I’ve got a stunning pink and white dress to wear, but unfortunately it’s low cut at the back and a little bit see through so I’ve got skin colour knickers and a white multi way bra on. I can just see the look on my mans face. “Er… how do you work that thing” So Good combination: Strawberries and cream. Good combination: great dress, half off, no queue BAD combination: Great dress, great date, non matching ‘hold it all in so I don’t look fat’ underwear. Right, change of plan. White ‘hold it all in so I don’t look fat’ pants to go with the weird and wonderful multi way bra. Or should I stick with the flesh coloured pair? Not that the flesh coloured ones are flesh coloured, since when was I a shade of beige?