I've found these past couple of weeks a bit of a bumpy ride. more up's and down's than a bloody big dipper. I've not stopped until today and i suddenly realised, i'm all grown up. these are all adult situations and i'm finding them hard to tackle.
There is some good news though, His Dark Materials got nominated for a guide awards, Which is great. I know the these awards are just based on popularity and who can motivate enough people to vote but when it's something that you had a massive part in, it makes you feel quite good. Lets face it, 'HDM' gave me almost everything important that i have today, it gave me back the passion for Acting which began to fizzle out in my second year of college, it gave me great friends and a guy who i absolutely adore. and to know that that piece of theatre could win an award makes me smile. I hope it wins, partly because it has the ability to spark up that flame that burnt in 35 people for 12 months, but also because the Director (Damon) took an almighty risk in the January of 2006 when he said to an unknown 18 year old (who'd never done a play outside of college) ' Wanna play Lyra?'