Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Blimey, it's nearly November.
So, what's new?
Well, not a lot actually.
Rehearsals for our Christmas production are going well. Wind In The Willows is being performed at Christmas and through out the play i transform from a squirrel to a Car driver to a ferret (a ferret that turns into a stoat half way through the script)
I actually cannot wait. it's been a year since i last acted on stage. It's quite had to believe that this time last year i was playing Hedvig in Wild duck. She was a great role.
But, as much as i loved her, I'm starting to become very fond of the field mouse with a lisp. That's right. a lisp.
Merry Chrithmath, Merry Chrithmath One and all
Joy to eash and every creature great and Thmall.
It even starts snowing on stage! rey.
I've started a fundraising campaign for the Rowans hospital. Gary has managed to raise money through selling cakes at work, we've organised a Charity golf tournament and six of us will be braving Mount Snowdon in the new year. all in the hope that we can raise money for a charity that I'm told needs to raise £7000 grand a day to survive. I think that's more than enough motivation to trek.
Anyone out there with anymore ideas on how to raise money for a fantastic cause, drop me a line.
Snowdons a scary mountain, i remember it being high last time i trakked it, and lets face facts, I've not grown since that day 9 years ago.
More Details to follow