Yesterday was apparently the most romantic day of the year. Roses, Chocolates, Wine and 13 year old fathers.
Like most people, I didn't quite know what to say at first when I read the story of Alfie, the boy who got his 14 year old girlfriend pregnant at the ripe old age of 12.
I think the sadest thing about this whole 'Family' is the fact that the poor baby thats been thrown into the world will probably end up going down a similar road. The thought that these two children have no quilifications and no money is bad enough. But the fact that every goal they've ever had, every dream, every wish, has been completely shattered before they've even left School.
At the end of the day, a baby has tumbled into this world before either of it's parents has had a shot at life themselves. Their childhoods have come to an end before they've even tried to be adults.
When i was 12, I was worrying about the bigger girls at school, going to dance classes, riding my bike down to the park. There wasn't a single thought in my mind that I might be starting a family soon.
It scares me that this Alfie will be starting college as his child starts school. There's something now right about that thought.