Today we went to Conwy falls. Earlier in the week, we went to Swallow falls. At both waterfalls, we were met with a turn stile and a £1 fee. However, both times, we got in for half price or less.
We got up especially early to go to Swallow falls on Tuesday, knowing only too well how busy half term can be at 'free' attractions. We pulled into the layby and got out our funky trekking trainers, back packs and big bottles of water. I remembered from last time that the walk from the bottom was both long and slightly tiring...oh...we have to pay...Oh, It only takes pound coins.
Between the six of us, Only Mr McBride had any change on him. And that change consisted of three 20 pence pieces, some coppers and two pound coins. Crap
So me and steffi squeezed into the turn stile and drop in the coin before slowely stumbling round and out the other side. Thats two in for the price of one! Mr McBride gave Auntie Lin his second pound coin then walked around to find a seven foot fence whcih he and Trevortrevortrevor clambered over. That left Gary and Auntie Lin squashing backpacks and squeezing together to somehow get through. So thats six for the price of two. Now thats a bargain!
Five minutes later we were out again! all that was left was the waterfall itself. Pretty as it was, it wasn't the same without the lovely long walk that shuffles alongside it. Never mind. Conwy Falls...oh
Another turn stile! another squeeze! This time we got in for exactly half price, going through like the animals in the ark. Luckily this time we had a pleasant enough walk towards the waterfall. But when we got there, Health and Safety had stomped all over it and put a fence right back so you couldn't get near enough to get a decent picture! no risk in anything these days.
On the way out, we stopped in the cafe for a drink. This was when we realised that the front door of the cafe (we came in the back door, just to clarify) lead right out to the carpark. If we wanted, we could have walked through the cafe to get to the walk, no turn stile needed!
Hind sights a wondeful thing!