Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Whoa, alcohol is FUNNY!
My works Christmas do.
I drank...like....tonnes and stuff.
I wore my false moustache and sombrero.
Two Margarita's, four coronas, two white Russians, A sour Apple shot (Not recommended) and a vodka red bull (Also not recommended.)
A plate of fajitas
A pair of heels I couldn't walk in.
Two 17 years old who couldn't handle alcohol.
I broke the 'pee' barrier WAY too early.
I had no hangover.
I can't think straight right now, All I can think about is the fact that I can say 'Next Saturday He'll be home.'

Sunday, December 06, 2009

little substance

Today is the last Sunday I have free before it all kicks off. It's probably the last lay in as well but I'm not complaining. (well, maybe a little)
I was supposed to go to Southampton today with Crazy O'Brien from work (blonde girl, dippy, mental, 100% adorable) but trains are crap (as are our planning skills) and the plan has fallen through. It's OK because I'm back there again with nan tomorrow. But still, I was kind of hoping today would be a 'lets try on dresses we could NEVER afford' day. ho hum.
It's my works Christmas 'do' tonight at Chiquitos (or however you spell it) It's weird to think that for my Christmas meal I'll be munching on fajitas. Then again, I've gone to Christmas meals before and had the traditional, then by Christmas day, I've had so many parsnips that I could burst. So maybe Mexican is the way forward for these thing.
I can't believe there's only two more Saturdays before Christmas. Yesterday my shop took the biggest Saturday takings in it's three year history. Yey shop! On average people were spending about £20. That's a lot of money on Christmas decs and novelties. But still, my bonus is looking healthy.
Healthy, now there's a word. That's something I'd like to be. I'd like to get rid of this cough, these sniffles, these aches, I'd like to feel warm. I'd like to be able to breathe through my nose. I hate colds. Sniff
I apologise, this post doesn't really have a point. It's just a bunch of random thoughts falling onto cold computer keys. Oh well, If you've got this far, maybe I should continue.
Lets see, random moments in my life?
I got a robin shaped chocolate in my advent calendar this morning.
I can't find any shoes that match my dress for the party I'm going to
It's only 13 days until he comes home
There's a blue sky outside!
There's also a tabby cat on the window sill
I need a motive to get me out of this chair
I need some food
I fancy toast and tea.
mmmm, toast and tea

Thursday, December 03, 2009


That's all my body seems to consist of today. I woke up this morning and BANG!!! my sinuses went kabloowy. (I'm pretty sure that's a real word) my nose is blocked, then runny, then blocked then... My throat is scratchy, my head is throbbing, my everything aches.
Am I turning into a pig?
Most likely!
I've discovered that Mr McBride is now a qualified fencer. Oh yes, he can now prance around with a sword wearing white pyjamas and a sieve on his face if he wanted to. Bless him. I can just imagine him now, squaring up to Jack Sparrow. (OK, so he'd probably lose but that daydream is enough to make me smile for a whole week!)
I've also only just realised that on Christmas day, I'll be waking up beside him. In the three years we've been together, not one Christmas morning has been spent together. He usually went round his folks house before coming round to mine for about 11. The thought of waking up beside him in general makes me fizzy inside. But knowing I'll be waking up next to him at Christmas? It's like some one's filled me with popping candy and fizzy lemonade!
He asked me what Christmas morning is usually like. I told him that Steffi normally stands outside my door at about half six coughing loudly before saying "Oh, are you awake?" I don't think he likes that idea so much. But he did promise a cooked breakfast, complete with potato scones and hash browns!
I'm sure this Christmas day will be quite similar than normal. Gary and Steffi will sit on the bigger of the two sofa's, (Steffi closer to the tree so she can hand out the presents in such a way that everyone has at least one in front of them and no one gets left out.) If my nan comes round again, She'll sit on the smaller of the two sofas. And McBride and I will sit in front of the fire, Like two cats, a tabby and a ginger, cosy and smiley on the mat.
I made a wish on the first star I saw this evening. I wished that all my Christmas' will be full of family. Steffi normally takes some trifle next door on Christmas evening after we've eaten more than any of us though possible. Next door accepts with a smile before heading back into his empty house to watch Only Fools And Horses reruns. Alone.
I couldn't do that.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Random Overhearings

Customer Boss Man Bird
Excuse me (holding up a snow globe)
What's this?
It's a snow globe
Well can't you see what's wrong with it?
Is there's no snow? (no sarcasm, just wondering)
It's not that. It's the awful geographical skills you are pushing onto children.
Long pause
I'm sorry?
Well, You see here, (points) this is a polar bear, and this (points) is a penguin
Well, everyone knows that they live on opposite sides of the world! that's awful to put them both in here.
But, if you think about, Father Christmas is in there too!
That's not a problem. I just can't believe you're giving this to children who are learning about geaography.
Well, Madam, I don't think the education system is so bad that children get their knowledge from snow globes. (walks away)
Girl: I love this shop, I go to the one in Brighton all the time
Boy: I don't go to Brighton
Girl: That's because you're gay!
Does anyone else find the irony in that funny?
I tell you what, if he'd have shouted any louder, I'd be listening to you through a shell right now!
6 year old Child: Mummy, which one would should i have?
Mother: I don't know darling, but you only have £4 so you can't have both
Child ponders.
Child: Do you know what mummy? I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and get this one.
Mummy, you know Jesus? It's sad that he had to have his birthday on Christmas. Ben says you only get half the presents, and Ben would know!!
I love my shop sometimes.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Bananas And Glitter

December the first ey?
First of all, I'd like to say that I don't have an advent calendar! This year I have no excuse for eating chocolate at half six in the morning after brushing my teeth. I sent one up to Glasgow to McBride but do I have one?
Big Fat Sodding NOOOOOOO!!!
Anyway... I think that there's some kind of psychological button that gets pressed on the 1st of this month. Suddenly everyone goes "it's December, quick, must go shopping, Go Go Gadget credit card!" Today, nearly everyone I served before 11 o'clock spent over £60. And when I looked in the baskets, I was met with glittery Jesus', squirrel underpants, plasters in the shape of cupcakes, wind up break dancers, massive baubles and other bits and bobs that people will only EVER buy in December. None of these people would think twice about buying pink 'lady' moustaches in July. It's that whole 'holy crap what can I buy' instinct that kicks in on the day that first cardboard door is opened and that chocolate it eaten (unless you're me of course!)
The Wonderful Jasper™ came round on Sunday and Gary and I actually managed to get both him and Steffi racing on Mario Kart.
It's odd to think that the two people in the room that actually drive couldn't get round the track for toffees. and every now and then you heard Steffi cry out