Monday, January 31, 2011


Once upon a time, there was a small girl. She wore floaty skirts and a checked scarf. She said things like 'Awesome' and 'Sup Homie'. She was a happy soul with a passion for Monster Munch.
She didn't ever think she'd meet her soul mate at such an early age.
At 23 years old, she'd already climbed mountains, seen the Eiffel Tower and eaten her own body weight in pizza but never did she think that she'd be looking at her soul mate whilst on her way home from work on a rainy January evening.
Like every other night, she walked from her shop in the arcade and out onto Argyle Street. People walked past her. Like children with a secret they avoided eye contact and enjoyed owning the knowledge that fate had something spectacular in store. Each passer-by held a cryptic smile that would go unnoticed by the small girl as she walked unknowingly towards her destiny. But blissful ignorance filled the girls chest as she powered through the crowd of commuters. She wanted to get out of the rain and back to her boyfriend.
A homeless guy asked her if she had spare change. She shook her head and the old guy smiled and shrugged his shoulders. To him, it was just an honour to be part of something magical. He watched her walk on by with a feeling of affection towards her. She was about to meet fate and fate was about to offer her a lifetime of happiness. She had a boyfriend.The homeless guy knew this. But fate needed to break some hearts to make others complete. The old guy was given such a moment once and neglected it. He watched the girl in the hope she wouldn't be so proud and leave destiny in the dark.
On she walked. Past students, bankers, charity workers. All of them moving out of the girls way to form a path direct from her heart to her soul mate. All of them full of hope and anticipation for the moment that was about to take place.
The entire street seemed to dissolve into a fuzzy blanket that surrounded the girl. Time slowed and the world held it's breath. Moments like this happen once in a life time. A moment like this will become immortal and will be engraved in the heart of everyone who is privileged enough to witness it. It's pure magic.
The girl looked up and squinted to see through the curtain of rain before her. Then she saw. Suddenly it all made sense to her. Her heart seemed to skip a beat and her breath managed to get trapped. Her steps quickened. She couldn't help herself. All that mattered to her was getting closer.
The rain took pity and eased off as the world stopped completely. Giving the girl a moment of pure bliss with her soul mate. She knew. From that very first moment she knew. Destiny had chosen the street, the time, the place. All she had to do was give into the moment. She held out her hand and pressed her fingers against the glass. Memories will never do this moment justice. No one will ever understand. They were made for each other.
The world began to speed up around them. The commuters continued on their way. The charity workers called out and the homeless guy carried on asking. None of them wanted to make the girl aware that they knew of this moment of utter purity. But it was getting late. The girl knew it could never be and slowly backed away. She couldn't risk what she had with her boyfriend for a fantasy of what could be. Fate could be harsh and right now it was messing with her head. She walked away, looking back only once and savouring the moment before turning and walking into the night.
Her soul mate watched her go. Staring at her boots wit envy as they splashed in puddles. Fate was cruel to shoes, fate would dangle eternity in front of the shop window safe in the knowledge that the shoes would never be able to run and grab hold. Instead they were always left in the window, cursing fate and hoping for a time when the girl could justify buying them. Maybe one day. Maybe one day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sleepless Night

Ever find yourself staring into oblivion? Your eyes at the comfortable level where you can just gaze into the middle distance and drift into a daydream, only to realise that for the past three minutes you've been staring at someones breasts?
So I went back to work on Monday.
I haven't been sleeping well recently, my mind has been refusing to switch off and added to the late night I've been having with friends, I'm not getting the beauty sleep I so desperately need. So during a quiet spell at work, I decided to lean on the counter and let my eyes lose focas before falling int a daydream that consisted mainly of spaghetti hoops and rolos. I only return to the surface when a lady starts talking to me and only too late do I realise that all this time I've been staring at and very large and unsupported pair of boobies!
Snap out of it, look anywhere else, I know it's comfortbable but you look like a freak staring at this poor womans doodaas. Wake up, WAKE UP!
'Sorry madm, I was miles away there, just admiring your beauiful necklace'
Anyway, Steven.
Yes, Steven (or is it Stephen? I'm not sure, i was never actually told, not that that's the imporant part.) Steven is the reason I didn't sleep on Friday night. And no, not in a 'nudge nudge' way (believe me, If you knew Steven, you'd understand how peculiar to say the very least that would be.)
After a night of dancing and a slow walk home in the bitter January frost -Made slower by the fact I had one of those annoy itches on the sole of my foot whilst wearing boots.- Me, some friends and Steven sat in the living room. One by one the others went to bed until it was just me and Steven sat on the sofa watching the TV.
I decide to put on th PJ's and  settle down into my sleeping bag. This is the moment Steven joins me at my end of the sofa. Now I've known Steven a few years and although I don't feel uncomfortable with Steven lying so close, I just wasn't expecting it. But still, I try and drift off to sleep. Nope, Steven's obviously not comfortable and wanders over to the door. The doors shut.
'I'm not opening the door for you. I'm trying to sleep, deal with it.'
This angers Steven slightly so Steven comes back over, sits on the arm of the sofa right by my head and watches the Thin Lizzy documentary on BBC4. You don't even like rock music, get over it and let me sleep!
After a few minutes, Steven then goes into the kitchen for some food. Finally I begin to nod off. Only to be awoken twenty minutes later by Steven rattling the door again. Steven knows how tired I am and is using it as a weapon against me. I will not lose this fight. I lean over and stare Steven in the eye. Steven looks at me with a look of sarcasm. Steven knows that Steven is winning this game.
It's like the time my friend at school told me her imaginary friend had turned into a bully and nobody would believe her. How was I suppose to tell the guys in the morning 'Steven kept me up all night, torturing me with mind games and sneers.' All I wanted was to sleep and now here I am doubting my sanity all because Steven is playing with the door and looking at me 'funny'
By 7 in the morning I've given up completely on sleep and sit up again reading a magazine. Steven is aware that the game is over and I've surrendered but instead of acting humble about it, Steven comes back over and slumps beside me before falling asleep. Cocky little...
I'm rejoined later by Finchy who makes me tea. Steven by this point has changed tactics and acts like nothing has happened. The mind games continue as Steven looks at me with a 'Next time will be worse' look. before wandering over to the litter tray
Oh yeah, did I mention Steven is a cat?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Train Journeys SUCK!

This train is full of noisy people!
I'm on my way back home (Glasgow) after spending a week back home (Portsmouth). I'm on the quiet carriage yet all around me are families with small children, people rabbiting on mobiles and people with their iPod's up too loud. There's a tweed jacket a couple of seats down from me whose tutting very loudly at the noise. At one point he actually stood up and held his phone up to show the guy opposite (who as on his phone chatting.) He then proceeds to tell him that it was a mobile free zone. For a moment i thought he was a legend but then he turned to me.
'And you shouldn't be listening to that either!'
Cheeky bugger. O.K I admit I have got my music on but there's something wrong with the scenario.
Can anyone else here Noah And The Whale? No
Can everyone hear your loud unnecessary comment? Yes. Whose the noisy one now? Prat!
So I'm in Preston. It's grey outside and I've had about 8 hours sleep in the past 4 nights. Let's just say 'm not to happy. I've had a fabulous week though. A few small anecdotes you ask? Why in the hell not.
Whilst playing Trivial Pursuit
Steffi: Hmm, A British composer? erm...Well there's Robbie Williams...
Opening the door to the Phone Delivery Guy whilst in my pyjamas.
PDG: Crikey, I wish my Missus looked like that in the morning!
Playing 'Stand Up' with Finchy on a train between Chichester and Fratton. trying my hardest no stand still without holding the hand rail. I suck at this game but to my defence I was facing away from the direction of travel. Finchy assures me this is NOT a valid excuse.
Getting Gary to try on stupid hats and taking photos.
Dancing with my favourite people until the early hours of the morning.
Being told I look healthy. I've lost wait. I look good. I seem well. I look beautiful. I've told these people it's not true but they will not be told. It's heartwarming to see that all these people that you've left behind are genuinely pleased to see you when you return.
Now it's back to Glasgow. Back to my job and of course back to the boy.
Now if only I could get people to move up with me. Relocate and bring the Wedgewood Rooms with them.
Oh well, another world...