Another Day, Another Post, I'm Thinking Of Going Pro!
Sorry, I've Been Posting Things on Ebay And I'm Now I'm In 'Type Every Word As A Proper Noun With A Capital Letter' Phase.
Right, I think it's out of my system now. Shall we continue?
I've painted my kitchen. It's all pretty. One wall is a light apple colour and every now and then, within the crisp white tiles, there's a lovely pastel coloured square. It's lovely. And I did it all by myself.
Now like you may be aware, I listen to Absolute Radio. As I pull the chair up towards the sink and the window, I sing along to 'My Sharona.' I grab the paint and the roller and prepare to ascend onto the chair then onto the side to paint above the window.
'When you gonna give me some TIME SHARONA?'
Oops, need the paint brush for this bit, I grab paint brush and head back over to the chair.
'Close enough to look in my EYE SHARONA'
Get the chair prepared, put the paint onto the draining board
'Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind'
Put first leg onto chair
'My, My, I, I, I...'
Yep, I have gone to put my foot on the chair and kneed the handle on the cupboard under the sink... And now I'm doing the 'Oh god, that blinking hurt' (Or stronger words) dance whilst holding a paintbrush covered in 'Foliage Green'.
It's o.k, the pain is gradually dying away and I didn't swear too loudly. Back onto the chair. (Carefully) and up into the side. Then I look out and see a woman stood at the bus stop below my window. She standing in the spring sunshine. She seems happy. She's dancing to my music. How lovely.
Bang! my head hits the ceiling. Pain and pleasure. They're so close together.