Thursday, April 05, 2012


This Sunday is Easter Sunday. A day that, Like most holidays has lost its true meaning in the hype of commercialism. Ask any child what Easter is about and most will say 'Easter Eggs. Chocolate, baby lambs, chocolate'
And that's my point.
On Pancake day, (Or 'Shrove Tuesday' if you will) I had dinner, I had a cup of tea, I had some chocolate.
My last chocolate for 40 days. Since then I've resisted Cadbury's Mini eggs, Cafe Nero Hot Chocolate, Chocolate biscuits, Phish Food, Brownies, Jaffa Cakes, all because I felt it a good idea to give up chocolate for lent. Stupid, I know. 
But I haven't let myself down. I've been bloody good if I do say so myself.
At a Chinese restaurant i walked straight past the massive pile of chocolate covered mini doughnuts. When a customer gave the shop a box of roses to say thank you, I declined when the box got to me. I didn't even kiss Cricket after he had a chocolate bar right in front of me because there was every chance that I would bite his lip off in a 'Twilight blood fetish' moment.
Looking back, I'm very proud of myself. To be honest after a couple of weeks I became almost indifferent to chocolate itself, but knowing that I could put my mind to something, say I could do it and actually succeed makes me chuffed. Go me.
Although, other things got cut out of my life for most of Lent.
My Manager went to cover another branch and won't be back until after Easter.
V went of holiday for a while.
I lost my favourite necklace and only found it a few days ago.
Cricket buggered off to Australia for three weeks.(He's back now, just as pale, just as lovely)
So in the grand scheme of things, chocolate seemed quite inferior in my 'Things that I miss' List.
On Sunday I will be having chocolate spread on toast for breakfast, with a hot chocolate on the side. After lunch I will devour at least one of my Easter eggs. (So far I have two) and then proceed to eat an entire block of chocolate Turkish delight.
I'll then probably throw up.
Happy Easter Boys and Girls.