Monday, February 25, 2008

A child running a shop

Monday mornings always bring forward the realisation that life doesn't stop and wait for you. this morning also told me that my blind doesn't wait for me either, as the bloody thing fell away to expose a very sunny day at 8 o'clock this morning. my first opportunity to sleep in and my bedroom blind falls away as if to say "come on, you've had your 8 hours now get up and empty the dish washer" Any way, back to the actual point to this. I had a rubbish rubbish Saturday. between the hours of 9 and 11, 95% of the customers i served at work were horrible. it wasn't just like they were a bit grumpy, they were actually horrible, blaming me for the fact that something had the wrong price on it, the fact that they hate shops with music playing. And believe that by looking at me and the other guy working there (Sam, aged 21) the shop is obviously run by children. I think these people actually went out to cause upset on Saturday. They don't believe me when i tell them I'm in charge, they give me a filthy look as if to say "you expect me to believe that someone with all those bracelets on their arms and dots of eyeliner would actually run a shop" In the end, i spent the busiest afternoon of the week out in the stock room and office doing paperwork and what i call 'backstage' stuff. I physically couldn't face the public for fear I'd slap someone. It's was a weird feeling, empty. I couldn't even be bothered to smile. Then came on the guilt, i felt selfish, arrogant and even more upset at that. So i forced on a smile for the last couple of hours before going home feeling deflated. I wanted to go to a comedy night that some friends perform but i couldn't raise a smile and i didn't want to bring down other perfectly normal people. So McBride took me home, fed me and gave me an extra large bar of Turkish delight. Then we watched the Goonies, (ultimate in comfort films)
Waking up on Sunday was completely different. The fact i wake up next to a crazy Scotsman always cheers me up anyway, but in the 4 and a half minutes it took me to get changed, i realised that yesterday was the top of the crapness, but that's done, and I'll get over it, everyone does it at the end of the day. Everyone wants to kill members of the public. Whether they walk really slowly and take up the whole pavement, whether they put their bag on the last seat on the bus and refuse to move it, or whether they just have an annoying laugh, Everyone pisses off someone. Lets face it, you're agreeing with me. I bet in this last week, at least one person has made you think "for f**k sake!"
So yesterday at work was an altogether better day. I do like working Sundays, The staff i work with are great, and people tend to be a little less GRRRR!!!! on a Sunday, maybe because it's gods day, i don't know And McBride met me for lunch, which was lovely. See, nearly of the happy things i talk about lead back to that little man. He's my hero! I don't know why i babble on about useless things like this, It's not interesting, It's not informative, it's just words thrown together, yet still I write. I don't know, maybe it's in the hope that someone will talk back with an answer, Maybe it's just a way to get it off my chest, or maybe it a reason to throw it all down on the table and see where I'm going wrong. I'm still learning a great deal from life, Like who to trust, who to stay clear of, whats best for both my body and my heart. It's a lot to think of when you're "A child running a shop!"
I'll stop now, that's enough.
Thank you for being patient with me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

~*Scotland (in Bite sized Chunks)*~
Sleeper trains are fun, If a little bit claustraphobic! Take the top bunk, you don't feel so squashed. It's nice to fall asleep and wake up in another counrty. plus you get Coffee at the door when you wake up. Walking starts to hurt when you walk all day everyday. but it's the best way to see stuff, especially when you're taking pictures. A bus ticket is a pound and that takes you as far as you want! Glasgow can be a slightly scary city. but has the Biggest Primark I have ever seen! Mr McBride can balance a spoon on his nose. I Cannot! You get better service if you speak in a Scottish accent. Apart from when you're girlfriend gets I.D'd. Here's the story, We went into a pub and I ordered a coke. one of the people we were with ordered a chilli and Mr McBride and I order a bowl of chips each. Then the waitress comes over and tells Mr McBride that because I'm under 18 I HAVE to have a full meal! (yeah, doesn't say that to me, says it to the boy beside me who's only 3 years older!) We explain that I am infact 20 years old but she asked for I.D. I didn't think you needed ID to buy a bowl of chips. So i order the Chilli under my name and the chips under the lady who we're with's name! annoying as hell! Anywho. Mr McBride has an audition for the RSAMD on the 3rd March so we popped to see where that was. (Big building)
We found a fantastic Chocolate shop. you had to duck under the hanging sweets to get in and you couldn't turn around to quicker because you would knock something off. I think between the 4 of us, we spent about £20. Not bad going.
Mr McBride's Sister and her partner got Engaged two days before we got there, so we drank lots of wine.
Mr McBride's play got selected, So we drank lots of wine.
I went in H and M and only spent £10, So We Drank lots of wine.
I wish I wasn't home, So I'm drinking lots of wine. lol

Monday, February 04, 2008

And We're Off

This evening Mr McBride and I are leaving for Edinburgh. Spending a week with his wonderful sister and her chappy. I'm so exited I think my head's gone wobbly.
When we went in the summer, it was wet, windy and chock a block with tourists (mostly Americans) and the whole week was based around the fantastic shows that we wanted to see (midsummer nights dream in the park and such)
Now don't get me wrong, that holiday was amazing, it was my first time in scotland and i fell in love in a instant, the beauty of it all was 100% breath taking.
This time, it's about just two tiny people in a huge city, We're gonna go slow, at our little pace. Plodding around in a competition of who can take the most artistic picture. Metcheck are flicking between Snow and Cloud, Either way, it won't feel much warmer than freezing at any given time of the day. (buying all those scarves in monsoon has finally paid off!) I've squeezed enough clothes into my little brown Mafia bag. and i must say i'm very imressed with myself, I've only taken two pairs of boots and i've even left behind my *gulp* straighteners!
So i'm all ready to go, We head off on a coach at half 8 this evening, then tube it across london to our sleeper train and wake up in Scotland. I think that's like the best journey ever, fall asleep in smoky London and wake up in Beautiful Edinburgh. Miss McFarley Like That!!! Also, just one other thing that makes this all so so good, It's Mine and Mr McBride's one year anniversary today.
Now there may be certain people reading this who are now thinking "hang on, she told me they didn't get together for about a month." But that's what happens when you break my heart so many times, I lie about what I'm up to. (Peeps, i'll let you in on a secret, Ex's sometimes become stalkers! just a note to memo)
So yeah, Me and the McBride fella have been for a year. In two weeks I will have known him for two years. I think that's pretty good going. (here comes the soppy bit) I must say, I think he's brave putting up with me and my ways, I must also say, i think he's the most Beautiful person in the world, even if he doesn't stick to shot gun rules. Have a fantastic week guys, I'm goff now to wrap up warm!