I have to wear black to work. So today I'm in a black dress with a black belt, black cardigan, black tights and black shoes. (My pants are blue but that's neither here nor there.)
Very ordinary yeah? Well if it helps, I got to half four before realising that from the knees down I looked like someone out of fame!
For some reason, my tights are extra-ordinarily shiny and black and kind of look like shiny disco dancing leggings.
But that's not too bad right?
Instead of my usual heels, I'm wearing black brogues. So alongside the uber shiny leggings, they look like jazz pumps. So from the knees up, she's a conservative well presented jeweller. From the knees down?
She's a maniac, Maaaniac!
This is added to the fact I dropped toothpaste down my top this morning and got to half 11 before realising I looked like I was lactating. Also that I got dressed and out of the flat before noticing the hole in the sleeve of my cardigan. Ooh and that my hair is too soft today to do anything with and looks slightly like something out of Thundercats. And the zip on my bag broke yesterday.... I think that's it.
Maybe tomorrow I'll break out in a rash on my forehead.
Nah, that might make me look like a normal human. We can't have that.