Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Whoa, alcohol is FUNNY!
My works Christmas do.
I drank...like....tonnes and stuff.
I wore my false moustache and sombrero.
Two Margarita's, four coronas, two white Russians, A sour Apple shot (Not recommended) and a vodka red bull (Also not recommended.)
A plate of fajitas
A pair of heels I couldn't walk in.
Two 17 years old who couldn't handle alcohol.
I broke the 'pee' barrier WAY too early.
I had no hangover.
I can't think straight right now, All I can think about is the fact that I can say 'Next Saturday He'll be home.'

Sunday, December 06, 2009

little substance

Today is the last Sunday I have free before it all kicks off. It's probably the last lay in as well but I'm not complaining. (well, maybe a little)
I was supposed to go to Southampton today with Crazy O'Brien from work (blonde girl, dippy, mental, 100% adorable) but trains are crap (as are our planning skills) and the plan has fallen through. It's OK because I'm back there again with nan tomorrow. But still, I was kind of hoping today would be a 'lets try on dresses we could NEVER afford' day. ho hum.
It's my works Christmas 'do' tonight at Chiquitos (or however you spell it) It's weird to think that for my Christmas meal I'll be munching on fajitas. Then again, I've gone to Christmas meals before and had the traditional, then by Christmas day, I've had so many parsnips that I could burst. So maybe Mexican is the way forward for these thing.
I can't believe there's only two more Saturdays before Christmas. Yesterday my shop took the biggest Saturday takings in it's three year history. Yey shop! On average people were spending about £20. That's a lot of money on Christmas decs and novelties. But still, my bonus is looking healthy.
Healthy, now there's a word. That's something I'd like to be. I'd like to get rid of this cough, these sniffles, these aches, I'd like to feel warm. I'd like to be able to breathe through my nose. I hate colds. Sniff
I apologise, this post doesn't really have a point. It's just a bunch of random thoughts falling onto cold computer keys. Oh well, If you've got this far, maybe I should continue.
Lets see, random moments in my life?
I got a robin shaped chocolate in my advent calendar this morning.
I can't find any shoes that match my dress for the party I'm going to
It's only 13 days until he comes home
There's a blue sky outside!
There's also a tabby cat on the window sill
I need a motive to get me out of this chair
I need some food
I fancy toast and tea.
mmmm, toast and tea

Thursday, December 03, 2009


That's all my body seems to consist of today. I woke up this morning and BANG!!! my sinuses went kabloowy. (I'm pretty sure that's a real word) my nose is blocked, then runny, then blocked then... My throat is scratchy, my head is throbbing, my everything aches.
Am I turning into a pig?
Most likely!
I've discovered that Mr McBride is now a qualified fencer. Oh yes, he can now prance around with a sword wearing white pyjamas and a sieve on his face if he wanted to. Bless him. I can just imagine him now, squaring up to Jack Sparrow. (OK, so he'd probably lose but that daydream is enough to make me smile for a whole week!)
I've also only just realised that on Christmas day, I'll be waking up beside him. In the three years we've been together, not one Christmas morning has been spent together. He usually went round his folks house before coming round to mine for about 11. The thought of waking up beside him in general makes me fizzy inside. But knowing I'll be waking up next to him at Christmas? It's like some one's filled me with popping candy and fizzy lemonade!
He asked me what Christmas morning is usually like. I told him that Steffi normally stands outside my door at about half six coughing loudly before saying "Oh, are you awake?" I don't think he likes that idea so much. But he did promise a cooked breakfast, complete with potato scones and hash browns!
I'm sure this Christmas day will be quite similar than normal. Gary and Steffi will sit on the bigger of the two sofa's, (Steffi closer to the tree so she can hand out the presents in such a way that everyone has at least one in front of them and no one gets left out.) If my nan comes round again, She'll sit on the smaller of the two sofas. And McBride and I will sit in front of the fire, Like two cats, a tabby and a ginger, cosy and smiley on the mat.
I made a wish on the first star I saw this evening. I wished that all my Christmas' will be full of family. Steffi normally takes some trifle next door on Christmas evening after we've eaten more than any of us though possible. Next door accepts with a smile before heading back into his empty house to watch Only Fools And Horses reruns. Alone.
I couldn't do that.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Random Overhearings

Customer Boss Man Bird
Excuse me (holding up a snow globe)
What's this?
It's a snow globe
Well can't you see what's wrong with it?
Is there's no snow? (no sarcasm, just wondering)
It's not that. It's the awful geographical skills you are pushing onto children.
Long pause
I'm sorry?
Well, You see here, (points) this is a polar bear, and this (points) is a penguin
Well, everyone knows that they live on opposite sides of the world! that's awful to put them both in here.
But, if you think about, Father Christmas is in there too!
That's not a problem. I just can't believe you're giving this to children who are learning about geaography.
Well, Madam, I don't think the education system is so bad that children get their knowledge from snow globes. (walks away)
Girl: I love this shop, I go to the one in Brighton all the time
Boy: I don't go to Brighton
Girl: That's because you're gay!
Does anyone else find the irony in that funny?
I tell you what, if he'd have shouted any louder, I'd be listening to you through a shell right now!
6 year old Child: Mummy, which one would should i have?
Mother: I don't know darling, but you only have £4 so you can't have both
Child ponders.
Child: Do you know what mummy? I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and get this one.
Mummy, you know Jesus? It's sad that he had to have his birthday on Christmas. Ben says you only get half the presents, and Ben would know!!
I love my shop sometimes.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Bananas And Glitter

December the first ey?
First of all, I'd like to say that I don't have an advent calendar! This year I have no excuse for eating chocolate at half six in the morning after brushing my teeth. I sent one up to Glasgow to McBride but do I have one?
Big Fat Sodding NOOOOOOO!!!
Anyway... I think that there's some kind of psychological button that gets pressed on the 1st of this month. Suddenly everyone goes "it's December, quick, must go shopping, Go Go Gadget credit card!" Today, nearly everyone I served before 11 o'clock spent over £60. And when I looked in the baskets, I was met with glittery Jesus', squirrel underpants, plasters in the shape of cupcakes, wind up break dancers, massive baubles and other bits and bobs that people will only EVER buy in December. None of these people would think twice about buying pink 'lady' moustaches in July. It's that whole 'holy crap what can I buy' instinct that kicks in on the day that first cardboard door is opened and that chocolate it eaten (unless you're me of course!)
The Wonderful Jasper™ came round on Sunday and Gary and I actually managed to get both him and Steffi racing on Mario Kart.
It's odd to think that the two people in the room that actually drive couldn't get round the track for toffees. and every now and then you heard Steffi cry out

Sunday, November 29, 2009

All You Need Is Love

It's December on Tuesday!!!!!!!
It's wierd, I remember writing a very similar opening line around this time last year. A year has gone! where has that time gone? Oh right...
Work * Closer* Taming Of The Shrew * Mr McBride * Scotland * Wales * Charity Walks * Sleepovers * Stock Takes * Trips To Thrapston * What The Butler Saw * Grandad * Weddings * New Babies * Long Good Byes * Count Downs * Club Nights * Blogging.
It's been a very busy and 'uppy downy' year. As I propel myself into Christmas time (now officially renamed McBridey Time!) I've done that whole 'What have you done' moment and realised that this year has been pretty monumental.
McBride's sister got married ~ The day I cried about 20 times. I even cried over how cute the cupcakes were. It was such a happy day.
Grandad ~ Well, you know the story there
Baby Wakelin ~ And all her hair!
Missing out on a promotion at work ~ And not being told until The other guy was in the business and I was on holiday
Mr McBride getting into drama school ~ And still keeping so bloody humble about it
Mr McBride being a million miles away ~ This still scares me every now and then.
Closer and Taming Of The Shrew ~ My first two 'grown up' roles.
Jamie Archer being voted out of X Factor ~ OK, so that's not really a major point in the year or indeed my life...but still.
It was the last night of What The Butler Saw last night. I looked around the arts centre and saw all these faces. Each of them smiling, laughing, singing, living life. I had spent most of Saturday serving angry people (Christmas cheer not quite kicked in with them yet) then standing at a bus stop for 30 minutes in the poring rain. So when I got the The Arts Centre (Sorry, The Spring!) I got my hugs, I heard the laughter and I felt all that anger I'd felt earlier in the day dissolve.
These people in this room I was standing in were keeping me going. Making each day that went past without my wonderful Mr McBride more fun filled. I've always felt that my friends are a lifeline, But last night, as we stood around, all singing along to The Beatles. I thought to myself
'These people are beautiful.'
Sorry, this has become a very gooey, soft centre post. I think the Quality Streets I've opened have has a chocolaty effect on my typing.
Last night, I was in the greatest of company. I love my friends.
If only he were here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

walking, innit!

Bet you were starting to lose hope weren't you?
Never fear, for I am back! hurrah!!!
I'm back already I'm diving into deep and meaningful stuff (kinda)
I met Steffi at lunch time today so we could go to Ted Baker and buy a lovely dress for a lovely ladies lovely birthday party. I walked into town, partly because I felt fit, but mainly because I am poor and have zero money.
As I walked through North End, I looked around me. I seemed to be dodging buggies pushed by teenagers, moving for chavs (who seem to find it impossible to keep their arms by their sides) watching girls in clothes two sizes too small cram chips into their faces. I looked at these people, the people who live around me and thought 'I just don't fit in in the city anymore'
There I am, walking tall, listening to Thin Lizzy, Wearing a cherry coke t-shirt, jeans and a blazer, sporting a beaten pair of Converses and a three dots beside each eye. I felt like such an odd one out. All around me was trackie bottoms, side pony tails, the word 'innit', screaming babies desperate to be heard over their swearing mothers, and an overwhelming smell of chip fat.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everyone I passed gave off this effect, I was just drawn to these people. People who obviously wanted the attention (why else would you tuck your trousers into your socks?. They looked at me like i was a freak for not having massive hooped earrings. They looked at me like I was crazy for having the ability to close my mouth when I've finished talking, They looked at me like I didn't belong.
I don't think I, moreover, I don't think I want to
I seem to be living in a part of Portsmouth where the C word is used as punctuation. It's 'well cool' to have an ASBO and 'you ain't no one if you done good at school' Well forgive me for having a go at my life. Excuse me if I don't have a child in tow. Sorry if I upset you because I can talk properly if I need to.
I need to get out of this place!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sleeping Patterns And Poppies

Apparently, Gary received a call this morning. From my Grandad. Who's got his mobile phone back and is now up and about. (well, he's out of bed and sitting in his chair.)
That is possibly the best news I've heard all week. My grandad, who was given 2 weeks to leave 10 weeks ago, is back up, and calling people. I can't wait until we get a call informing us he's gone down to the chippy and would we prefer fish cakes or saveloy.
Other news
I woke up last night sitting on my sofa. I had fallen asleep in my bed but woken up downstairs. Normally, (when I'm not alone at night,) I rarely sleep walk. My bed is against the wall so in order to get out, I have to clamber over McBride and hope I don't tread on his leg. This highly skilled and very dangerous activity normally wakes my brain up and I come out of sleepwalking mode before i leave the bedroom.
But now, McBride isn't here so I go off gallivanting most nights. About two weeks ago, I woke up in the fridge (not literally, I was leaning in and eating sausage rolls.) I've also ended up sat on the stairs and looking through my pyjama drawer.
I think I get my sleep walking streak from Steffi. The woman who once went next door and asked for the toilet. I remember once she burst into my room at about 1 in the morning, picked me up, with a duvet and a pillow (please be aware I was 11 at the time) and carried me downstairs. She then grabbed Gary and pulled him back upstairs before shouting "Her ceiling, look!"
So apparently my ceiling was falling in! I know, shocking stuff. A few nights later i woke up to find her sat on the end of my bed with her arms in the air (already freaking out at the sight of a crazy woman in my room.) I asked quietly what she was doing and she, quite calmly, answered "Just holding the ceiling up."
Yeah, That's normal.
Rest in Peace all those who've fallen.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Public Speaking

I've just spent my Saturday lunch time at a 7 year olds birthday party. Complete with 30 small children, lots of High School Musical decorations and a very tall man who would only answer to 'Adam The Magic Music Man' (I know)
My niece has turned the ripe old age of 7. I was 14 when she was born. She's the first child close to me that I've watched grow up, I mean, she was only three about 2 months ago. Really? She's seven? She's really small.
But that's not really the point of this blog.
On the way home, I was walking behind a woman with a small girl (about 4) and a pushchair with two more children tucked inside. (well, I say tucked, they didn't have much clothing on considering the temperature) She was pounding along, too quickly for the poor little one beside her. Shouting down her phone
This next bit has many blanks. Use your imagination if you will.
Nah mush, you need to go down the f*****g bank and get my f*****g money out you **** (that word doesn't even need the beginning letter, I think you can guess) I needs it don't I? Got these (children) all f*****g weekend, Sharron's round tonight and we're gonna get well p****d ain't we. And I needs that money coz my f*****g benefit ain't come fruu (bit of dialect there for you)
Now,. That's pretty much the jist. I may be paraphrasing. But this woman (well...) was shouting into her phone like this in public. with small children near by. I think there was a drug reference in there too, just for added shock value.
Now, I'm not really one to give parent skill, what with the fact I'm not one myself. But I just thought to myself, 'how dare you talk like that in front of them' I couldn't figure out what in heavens name made her believe it was acceptable behaviour in public, let alone in front of children. This girl was pretty much showing these young'uns that it was perfectly fine to swear like that. Poor kiddies. It's not fair.
What chance do those children have when they're brought up like that?

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Stolen Weekend

So, I'm back. Reality SUCKS!!!
When I blogged last, I was sat in his cosy room, wearing him warm hoody, listening to Neutral Milk Hotel and checking the clock desperate for it to be half nine. Now, I'm home, in my pyjamas, listening to Eastenders and desperate for it to be the 19th December.
It was pouring down with rain when I left halls to meet him from his rehearsal. I stole his big blue coat, rammed my hands in my (his) pockets and stormed off down the high street. Surrounded by people in fancy dress, swigging from bottles and swearing in thick accents. It was novel to see the queen of hearts holding a Stella can.
I got to the school and sat on the steps, watching as people fell out of the doors, tired from a long day of rehearsing. Then he came out. God, I'd almost forgotten that look he gives me when he sees me. (I know we'd already had 'the reunion' but that was rushed. I now had him all weekend.)
We got pizza and ran home in the rain. I didn't care that my socks were wet where my shoes were beginning to lose their waterproof...ness. I didn't care that people were demanding slices of pizza. I didn't care that I was soaked through to the skin. I was holding his hand. I was kissing his birth mark. I was running next to him.
Glasgow itself is beautiful. On Saturday McBride walked me around the shops and along to the river. He already had places he called favourite spots. He already knew about shops I'd like, about shops I'd love. He was home now. This was it. And soon I'd be up here with him. I hope. We went to a tea shop called Vanilla Black and we drank tea and ate cake as the rain hammered on the window. When we got back to halls, he put on a song called Sweet Disposition (Temper Test) and we danced. It was perfect.
On the bus back to Edinburgh we listened to Florence and the machine. We hadn't listened to it much together when he was down in Portsmouth. We compared our favourite bits. When the drums kick in on 'Blinding'. The line in 'Between Two Lungs' when she says 'I pray to god this breathe will last' And I never once let go of his hand.
We had dinner with my folks that evening. A full on fresh fish restaurant. With sardines, wine, bass, crab and goats cheese on the menu, We were certain they'd charged us wrong when the bill appeared for £40. Oh well. They're loss. We then went back to Liz and Eric's for a sing star marathon. I think we fell into bad about 2 in the morning.
Sunday morning was horrid. McBride told me the clouds were crying because I was leaving. He walked me to the bus stop. He got on the bus with me to George Street. He brought me a cup of tea from Starbucks. He got the bus with the three of us to the Airport. He held me so tight. I watched him get smaller as i went up the escalator. I could tell you I didn't cry, I could say i was strong. I could tell you that...
My weekend was a stolen one, and it was taken away too quickly.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Back Together

I'm here! I'm actually here. And what am i doing? I'm blogging!
It's all OK though. McBride is at a rehearsal so after a quick reunion, he headed off again. He'll be back in about an hour and until then, I'm here, waiting.
Ah, the reunion!
Well, My flight was delayed by half an hour. My bus from the airport into Edinburgh Centre was caught in roadwork traffic. My bus from Edinburgh to Glasgow got stuck on the motorway and it poured down with rain. But none of that mattered one teeny tiny bit. Because I walked into the bus terminal and there he was.
It's weird, I can remember every single second of it but at the same time, it all happened so fast I can't remember a thing.
He walked towards me, a huge smile covered his face, I smiled and raised my shoulders (that's my official 'I'm uber happy' smile.) I walked really quickly and just grabbed him and puled him so close to me I stopped breathing. I don't remember saying anything. I don't think he said anything either. It was just the biggest hug physically possible to man. I thought my ribs would break and I'm sure he could hear my heart beating through all the layers of clothing. (autumn in Glasgow after all!)
After what felt like both an eternity and a milisecond at the same time, He pulled away and smiled again 'Hey you'
That was me hooked all over again. It is possible to fall in love with someone more than once. I know that. But oh my god, it was such an amazing moment. I kinda wish you were there.
That would have been weird though.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dolly Mixtures * White Roses * Polka Dots * James Stewart * Chocolate Buttons * Tuna Melt Paninis * Eye Liner * Duvets * Bubble Baths * Clouds * Steven Fry * Bangles * Old Rock Music * Facebook * Sigur Ros * Stars * Butterflies * Toast And Marmite * Audrey Hepburn * Disney Movies * Nail Varnish * Sushi * Skinny Jeans * Green Tea * Blueberry Muffins * Christmas * Ebay * Accessorize * Birthdays * Rose Wine * Kopperberg * Betty Crocker Brownie Mix * Slippers * Turkish Delight * Shakespeare Plays * Adam And Joe Podcasts * Hugs * Irn Bru * Pickled Onion Monster Munch * Soap And Glory * Big Necklaces * Long Letters * Sunshine * Dancing * White Russians * Popcorn * Ben And Jerrys * Mario Kart Racing * Iphones * Bubble Machines * Tri Colour Pasta * Braeburn Apples * New Look * Greggs Steak Bakes * Yoga * Sleeping *
Add all this happiness together, and you have a bout one tenth of the happiness I'm feeling right now.
Five days!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Demonstation

I was wandering around town today looking for bargains (and new slippers) And I wandered into Anne Summers. (they had a sale on and... hell, I don't have to justify! I like the underwear!)
Then I got a text from a friend at work, so I multi tasked. I text back "Strong mints help me when mine hurts" (he had a sore throat) and continued to wander round.
As I looked up from the phone, I found myself surrounded by...Grown up things! I had obviously walked into the 'over 18' Section. I actually gasped slightly.
Now, I'm not saying this stuff shocks me. I know what it is, I know what it's for and there's nothing wrong with them. I just wasn't expecting to look up from a text about strong mints and come face to face with a big purple...ladies friend! (Steffi calls them bobs, Battery Operated Boyfriends) I looked around with a look that I believe was a cross between confusion and amusement. I must have looked slightly scared as well as a shop assistant came over.
"Would you like a demonstration on anything?"
What? Are you going to get naked? Is this legal? Are you going to make me get naked? Is this a wind up? A demonstration? What? Shouldn't we at least have coffee first? Bit forward aren't we?
All these questions whizzed through my head in a matter of seconds but all I could physically do was stare at her. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. And I tell no lie, the first words I said after I was offered a hopefully legal demonstration was...
"Dirty pillow?"
Yep, get in there Charley, grab your coat, you've pulled!
What I had seen was a fluffy pillow in the shape of lips under a sign that said 'Dirty Pillows'. The shop assistant looked slightly scared then said 'Yes, it's a pillow that when you press it, It talks dirty to you.'
Why would I want that? A pillow that spat out automated innuendoes? Oh god. I need to get out of this scary place! I just smiled and said 'Mmm, maybe another time' (hopefully I steeped the remark in irony. I'd rather she didn't think I was serious.)
Want to hear the scary bit? I went to find it online to show Steffi what I meant. It's not there!
Oh god, was it some kind of weird non sexy pillow dream?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

All Better Now

Yeah, Migraines! What's that about?
For two days, was at the point where I would have gladly cut of my own head with a blunt butter knife. I actually believe it would have hurt less! I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't see, I was sick, I was dizzy, By golly I was absolutely pants! Illness is Pants! It's all Pants!! (for some reason I feel that Pants should become a proper noun in this post and therefore hold a capital P.)
But luckily, Today I feel a lot better. So here's another list. I feel it's necessary (never eat cakes, eat sardine sandwiches and remain young!)
1: I received an Email today from a lovely lady who referred to me and Missus Lovely Pants. (I will Email you back my lovely, I promise)
2: Me and my manager spent three quarters of an hour today trying to assemble a single Christmas decoration. I was hard! But I laughed a lot.
3: I have the day off tomorrow. Which means I can do what the hell I like. I might go shopping, I might chase pigeons around the park, I might hold up a jewellers. (Although that's highly unlikely!)
4: My bedroom is uber tidy. Which makes me feel less stressed. I even made my bed this morning, something I very rarely do.
5: It only nine, yes NINE days until I get to see him again!
And about that...
In my head, this is how our reunion will go.
I'll have beautiful music on my Ipod (probably Sigur Ros or Florence and The Machine) And I'll have my hair in a messy but beautiful style. I'll be wearing lovely new clothes and my favourite perfume (Paul Smith Rose)
I'll hop off the train and look around. Just as the music reaches a breathtaking crecendo, he'll appear, holding two cups of coffee. He'll spot me and struggle in a slightly comedic way to find somewhere to put them down. He'll find somewhere and put them down just as I reach him. His arms will fly out and I will fall into him, (probably crying slightly) We will then have a big kiss that will make passers by slightly nausious. Then we'll walk hand in hand out of the station.
How will it go in the real world?
I'll be annoyed because My Ipod has run out of battery. He'll be late. I'll find him up the road, all running and out of breath and I'll look at him and say.
You're late, You're Amazing, I've missed you!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

One Month Down

How quickly did that whizz by? mmm?
So, It's the 18th October. It's been a whole month since i last saw him (apart from pixelated on skype) and I have to admit that It's been....OK.
So I'm freezing in bed, so what? OK, I've had chapped lips for weeks from lack of smoochies, meh! When i think about it, I've lost so many things I never even thought about on the train platform.
Warm feet to put my frozen ones on * A pocket on his coat that's big enough for both our hands * Sharing a hot cup of tea and talking about how crap the weather is * Tickle fights on a Sunday morning to keep warm * Arguing over who's going to go out in the cold darkness when we've run out of sugar * two arms surrounding me from behind when I'm shivering at the bus stop * A kiss on the nose when it's sore from a cold *
It's easier to get by than it was. But inside, it's getting worse and worse. I think it's because of the change in weather. I was always so grateful for him when the weather was cold and I lost feeling in my toes. So many things I took for granted that I'd accept with endless gratitude now if he was here.
But he's not. So I just have to tell him every day how much I 100% adore him. I tell him how cold I am. I say he's my hero. I tell him the bed's too big without him. He tells me all the same things. Then he tells me that it's only so many days. (Today it's 12!) and that keeps me going for that little bit longer.
I hope He goes to see 'Up' (it's AMAZING!)
I hope the rehearsals for the play he got into are going well.
I hope He's smiling
I hope you're not nauseous from this soppy post.
One More thing....
I checked in online today!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One More Thing

I finally have the face he pulls when I'm angry.
How can you stay angry at a face like this?
Damn those puppy dog eyes!
P.S, I changed my blog name. I don't know why, I just fancied a change.


"Unable To Restore Iphone. Unknown Error 1604 Occurred"
Ok, so I woke up (on my day off) and thought 'hmm, Upload session?' So I made some toast, made a nice cuppa tea (black, two sugars) and settles at the PC. I plugged my Iphone in, it uploaded for a while and BANG!
Well, Not actually bang but it made that sound it makes when you plug it it. (da dum, where the dum is higher than the da) then made a second da dum, which means some sort of error, where the dum is lower than the da (Is this making any sense?)
Unable to update phone, please press restore to restore iPhone to factory settings.
It's ok, everything's saved so I'll restore and then bung everything back over. (by now about 20 minutes have passed.) So I click restore and go out and make a fresh cuppa. (green tea this time) and came back to find the following message.
Unable to restore iPhone, unknown error 1604, 2002, 1603, 2006 occurred. Basically chappy, you're phone is f****d!
Ok, so it didn't say the last bit but the rest was true. Now, there's a blatant lie in that information. If the error is unknown, why have you given it a number? I clicked on more info and got a PDF about 27 pages long. I read the whole thing before I realised that there was no answer. So I turned to the interweb. My there's a lot of geeks out there. Telling my how to fix my apparently 'Bricked' phone. They're telling my about pop ups and files and folders I never knew existed. I followed the videos, read the forum sheets and tried again.
Unable to restore iPhone, unknown error 1604 occurred.
~*~ I was getting angry by this point. Two and a half hours had passed of what I was hoping was going to be a productive day! and I was still sat here, Bored, frustrated, full of tea and therefore needing the bathroom and angry. So I restarted the computer and tried again. Yep
Unable to restore iPhone, unknown error 1604, 2002, 1603, 2006 occurred
Then I saw a website that gave simple advice, no files, no 'updates' or 'upgrades' so I tried desperately one last time. If this didn't work, I was willing to through my phone at the cat that at the time was sitting on my wall outside the window. I unplugged the USB and plugged it into a different port on the BACK of the computer.
And that was all I needed to flipping well do?! Are you flipping kidding me!?!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

No Alcohol Required

The curls worked! for about 20 mins, but all the same, I went to my friends party on Friday night looking and feeling, quite pretty. Something that only happens rarely.
I'll do this in bullet point fashion. Blunt, sharp and straight to the point.
* I drank NO alcohol! (well, two sips of a toast) and had so much fun.
* I danced like a trooper, dances like the Bangles 'Walk Like An Egyptian' and Fatboy Slims 'Praise You'
* I danced outside in a cold, wet park. I jumped around and did a few ballerina moves.
* I LOVE my friends. I'd like to think that Siany-Sian, Kitten and I could be the next big thing in backing dancers. We were INCREDIBLE!
* They make me smile lots and lots.
So basically, I'd liked to think of this post as a big whopping 'TA' to my friends. For making my night.
You're amazing.
And Sian, The limbo-esque move is the best thing I've EVER seen!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Sexy beast

Imagine, if you will, that I have the day off work. (which is true) I have a party to go to this evening (also true) and I am sitting here now with massive great heated rollers in my hair.
Is that last one true?
big fat whopping YES!
God, I didn't know the meaning of elegance, sexiness, beauty and grace until I rammed these mofo's in my hair. I kinda look like I've popped a brown tire on my head and held it still with sparkly hair clips. Yes, I look atrocious. No, there won't be photographic evidence!
So there!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I went into town today to find a dress for the party (Look at the next blog down you'll understand)
I went in all I repeat ALL the woman fashion shops (Including Topshop, Newlook, and Primark) and found nothing I liked! NOTHING. ooh, I was not happy. I was just about to give up when i found a lovely little red dress in Warehouse. Yey. But still, no dresses I liked anywhere else. What's that about?
I sat next to a guy on the bus who, at closer inspection looked remarkably like my Grandad. It creeped me out a little bit so I moved over to the other side of the bus. The lookalike then looked over with a heart breakingly sad face and said "Sorry love." I felt so sorry for him that I moved back over, took off my headphones and chatted to him. He was a lovely chap.
It made me realise how reluctant we are as a nation to interact with people. I was sat there, Earphones in, making no eye contact. But when I did, I had a nice little chat with someone who seemed like he really appriciated the company.
It happens everywhere, There's now self service check outs so you don't have to make small talk. Internet everything so you don't have to physically talk and when you do call a company, 99% of the time it's a computer. People would rather struggle with things than ask for help. People will turn right into a feild becasue "The sat nav said so" and they don't want to ask for directions. On the whole, we've beome a race that doesn't know how to comunicate. It's a bit sad really.
Rant over. I made a friend today, He's call Frank, He was charming.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Reasons To Be Cheerful

1: I asked a woman today if she wanted a bag, she looked at me with disgust and proceeded to tell me in perfect English 'I don't speak English'
2: Two friends have had a tiny baby girl. Another life has fallen to earth, and she'll be loved with every atom her parents have.
3: Baby Sam at work has changed the lyrics of and Adele song to 'Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing Charley?'
4: Steffi is making home made pizzas tonight. From. Scratch. Legend
5: I finally own a pair of Ugg type boots. Without a doubt the comfiest thing I've EVER had on my feet. Period.
6: I don't have to go to Chiswick for work on Thursday! Hurrah
7: I have a wedding party to go to on Friday and I have to do some 'essential' pretty dress shopping!
8: I'm going to see Beauty and the Beast on Saturday with my Steffi.
9: I've just received an email with a simple message "I BLOODY love you!"
10: I love him too.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Web dates and Hobbies

I saw his face on Thursday night!
After a bench club night, I got home, made a cup of tea and spoke virtual face to virtual face with McBride. OK, he was slightly pixelated and sometimes his voice was out of sync with his mouth but he was still there. Smiling at me!
I'm working all weekend this weekend. It's OK actually because Sundays seem to be the worst day at the moment, no routine, nothing to make time go faster. I do most of my 'chores on my day off during the week so when Sunday gets here, I'm stumped for ideas. Maybe i should take up a hobby...
Cycling? Nah, I haven't got the confidence to ride in the road, I can't take my left hand off the handlebars because i have bad balance so i could only turn right, and that makes a pretty boring journey. Oh, and I don't have a bike!
Knitting? Good for arthritis I've been told, I can knit, I just forget to count the stitches, then i accidental drop ones and add ones. Nah, not a good plan!
Go clubbing? Hehe, Go down Guildhall walk and get thrown up on by girls in skirts they're constantly pulling down (not as in down to the floor you must know) no
Oh hell, I'll think of something.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


My hair is purple!
Not in a shocking cartoon type kind of (oh my god she looks like an a plum!) kind of way, just a bit purple.
I'm trying out a new way of life. Saving money, slightly changing my image, eating less, exercising more. So far (Two days) I'm doing well. I've just got back from a gym session with Steffi and I haven't had a boots meal deal yet. (Boots have stopped doing their 'buy five meal deals and get the 6th free' Deal and I am NOT happy)
I'll tell the truth, I was getting slightly addicted to their sushi dish. I was starting to resemble a shrimp wrapped in seaweed (That would be weird) And I liked the fact that I can buy an innocent smoothie on the cheap. But I need to save money. I've worked out that if I keep saving the way I have been for the past few months, There's a small chance I can move up to Scotland in about July with a healthy sum of £6500!!! Yey me, lil miss saver. I could take on Howard's job in the Halifax advert. Although, I doubt I look as good in a suit!
McBride started Uni today. He phoned earlier and sounded like a small child high on sherbet. Talking about how he met this person and talked to these people and found this out and went here and looked there. It's good to know he's settled in well and by the sounds of it he's already made a couple of friends.
He called last night at about ten. Apparently he was home sick and 'Charleysick' and I realised the thing I'd been oblivious to. I came home to this immense amount of support and love, From friends and family and even a few loyal customers. Meanwhile, he's up there, alone, with little more than a few DVDs and a laptop. I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness for him. I'd been caught up in how I was getting through this, thinking 'Hey, he's got all this excitement coming, new home, new school, new friends!' I didn't stop and think 'what about the time before he makes the friends? Those first few nights when he's alone in his room?' He sounded so sad on the phone, I wanted so much to give him a hug. But all I could do was tell him the truth.
'I wish I was there, I miss you, I love you, Sweet dreams Jellybean.'

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Podcast and Webcams

I've gone uber technical today and purchased a webcam! It was reduced and I thought 'Meh, why not'
I then got home, plugged the thing in and checked out Skype. It was free and I thought 'Meh, Why not'
Then I created my little 'WeeMee' You needed to upload some kind of profile image and i thought 'Meh, why not'
Now I'm waiting for McBride to arrive at his humble abode in Glasgow to tell him about it so he can say 'Meh, why not'
I've downloaded a shed load of AdamandJoe to my Iphone, (as well as a load of songs I'd forgotton about.) And I've been here most of the afternoon, Listening to Two chaps on a podcast. Kitten gave McBride a CD of Adam and Joe for his birthday and now I'm addicted. If you get a chance download podcast number 2. It's a very VERY funny review of and R Kelly song. (or should that be songs?)
What a lovely weekend it's been. It's warmer now than it was in July. I could say that this has been a perfect sunday full of sunshine and chilaxing. Only one thing missing.
But hopefully this evening He'll phone up for a chat and I'll think
Meh, Why not?
Love Him.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


It makes me smile.
Mr McBride made me a double CD compilation that I've listened to a million times already. I've cried to some
"Nobody ever says goodbye, But I don't mind, Just come home" Findlay Brown
"These arms of mine they are lonely, lonely and feeling blue" Otis Ridding
"Tonight the light of love is in your eyes. But will you love me tomorrow?" Amy Winehouse
But some make me smile.
"They made a statue of us, and put it on a mountain top" Regina Spektor
"She will always be the only thing that comes between me and the awful sting" Eels
"We'll be together for now and ever" Super Furry Animals.
Every song has a line that I could relate to. So many songs are doing that at the moment. It's a bit sad. Almost like I'm turning everyday songs into a soundtrack for 'The McFarley Movie" (I believe it would be a straight to DVD feature!)
Even An American Tale.
"And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath that same big sky."
35 days!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It's starting to get brighter. It's starting to get better. But it still hurts all the same.
Sunday was the ultimate in low days. It was the year anniversary of my Grandad's death. (I hate using the word anniversary. I always thought that word meant celebration, happiness and all that)
I went to see my other Grandad. It's strange, this man was always so tall, so stubborn, so proud. And yet, when I saw him on Sunday, he looked tiny. Not half the man I once used to help in his Shop. Pricing chocolates and filling Pick 'n' mix bags.
When I Walked in, he stared at me with vacant eyes and my heart just sunk. He'd forgotten who I was. I couldn't bear it. But then his eyes brightened and he whispered "Hello Beautiful, How's McBride?" Yep, He was still there.
Over dinner that evening, I suddenly became overwhelmed with sadness. I actually stopped breathing. I must have gone pale as my dad asked me what was wrong with panic on his face.
I just burst out crying. I couldn't do it, it was too hard. I could deal with McBride and Grandad and everything else in the same three days. It was too difficult. I felt small, tired, achy. It was the strangest feeling I've ever felt.
My mum said nothing, instead she just hugged me and let my cry into her shoulder. I cried until there was nothing left in me. I think she cried a little too.
My dad then said something that made it all better.
You can still see the same stars.
That small choice of words made me feel so much better. He was right. We were still under the same sky. That was when I decided what I had to do. I had to live MY life. Learn to drive, learn to cook, learn to appreciate my own company. Something I've always hated.
It's now Wednesday. I've been keeping busy and it's funny how quickly you get into a routine.
I have accepted the fact that McBride won't be outside when I leave work. He won't be there in the morning. I've accepted that My Grandad won't be here much longer. But I have so many amazing memories of the man that I know he'll never really leave me. He'll be in my head dancing to the YMCA at my Uncle's wedding. No amount of grief and despair will EVER take that away from me.
I just wish I could have a hug from him.