Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All Organized And Rushing Around

It's August! Not that you'd know from looking out the window. Bloody sun is actually scared of England i think, It's up in the sky thinking 'Oh god, Chavs, Sunburnt people, Pimms, BBQ's, i'll just hover over southern Europe for safety reasons.' Bloody hell, if I didn't just spend two weeks in Portugal, I'd be curled up under my duvet by now rocking slightly and humming Mungo Jerry songs under my breath.
So what's new? well, not a lot really. I'm trying my best to be more organised and I must say, it's going well. I went to a local hall today (a typically community centre, cheesy place but still) and arranged my 21st Birthday party. I discovered that I don't need to hire a cheesy DJ but can instead play my own music. Which is good. Let's face it, any DJ in the world would rather play the YMCA than the guillemots. All i need to do now is create a playlist and make invitations. People must dress up as something beginning with C and all the food will also begin with C. ( I know, It's childish but...i don't care)
So that's sorted, as is McBride's Birthday presents. (4th September if anyone wonders, He'll be 24! old man!) I've also got my store up together and it looks Beautiful. I spent the evening with Harris last night blizting the place and it looks lovely...I give it three days max before it's trashed again. Oh well, it is the summer holidays.
I've Sent off my Race for life money...finally, in the end i was able to send off £115 pound which i think was very good considering i kept forgetting to take my sponsership form out with me. I'm now trying to persuade Gary (father man) to compete in a round of golf for Charity. It's all in aid of the Rowans, which is now where my Grandad is living. Bless him, the poor guy is desperate to by my nan things before he shuffles off the the big comfy airchair in the sky. His last offering was a new potato peeler.
Overall, things are getting better (apart from the obvious) so I've got plenty more to smile about now. I'm not stressing. YEY!!!
And So, happy reader, I leave you with this, it's sunny outside, just not immediately outside.
Oh, and if you see my Uncles ex wife, punch the living daylights out of her.