Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random Thoughts and Musings

OK, let's face it, that last blog was somewhat depressing. I apologise. I was just having one of those days.
Today is a better day. The last few days have been better days. I spent Saturday night dressed as Penfold, a hobby I'm thinking about taking up. Maybe do a kind of Watchmen spin off, Dress in a costume and go around fighting crime. It could catch on.
I'm having a MASSIVE upload session at the moment. Putting back all the magic that my computer lost when it went doolally. People like Bon Ivor, Fleet Foxes and The Hot Puppies. All people I would highly recommend for audio pleasure. My Iphone has been lacking in music of late and it's my bid to get it back up to scratch before my 7 hours train trip back from Scotland next month.
Ah yes, that trip. On the 13th McBride and I will be flying to Scotland. On the 18th, I'll be travelling back on my own. Back to Portsmouth, with no one to wake up next to.
People keep asking me if I'm OK. When I say yes, the response is always the same "Really?" And I say, "Yes, I'm OK now because he's still here, still my Dangermouse, still my best friend." It's all going to be OK and Until the times comes when I have to get on the 11:30 train home, I'll be fine. There's a hefty bridge to cross at that point but I can't cross that until I get to it. And before that, I have a Birthday party, a BBQ, A Stock take, A Play, And lots of hugs.
Yep, I'll be fine

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Where's my sunshine?

It's August...apparently!
So far, my 'summer' has consisted of suspected swine flu which turned out to be sheer exhaustion, a trip up to Kettering to stock take the warehouse, copious amounts of work and a lot of umbrella usage! No, this is not what I signed up for on the 'Summer' rota! Did everyone else get first pick and I was left last? It feels like it.
I did the race for life the other week. It was weird doing it without Steffi but I had so much reason to run this year that I just had to do something.
A couple of weeks before the run, My Grandad got told he had cancer in both his lung and his brain. So I ran round the seafront angry at this disgusting disease that's picking my family and grabbing hold of them one by one. I know there's a million people out there in the same scenario, and even worse ones, but the run was my own personal knee to the stomach towards that C word which no one in my family seems to say around me. The keep changing the subject, trailing off or stopping all together. "Ooh, don't say Cancer around you know who, she's lost one grandad and in the middle of it with another!"
Sorry, I don't know why I type these things, I think it's just a way to get it out in the open. I think it explains my behavior around my friends recently. I've been very poorly this past week and that, added to this personal battle, is making me slightly distant, looking tired, stressed, down. I must say that this is just a phase, I will get back to how I was. I won't let myself get into this state where I feel nothing. It's not like me.
And anyway, I've got six weeks left to show the boy I love how much I completely adore him.
Then he's off and I'm here to deal with it all. I think that's when I'll need my friends more than ever so It's not right that I should shut them out now. It's not fair on them, they've done nothing wrong.
But that's the thing, no ones done anything wrong. Not me, not my grandad, my nan, my friends. It's funny how sadness affects different people. Some people shout and scream, others cry, other go numb. Me? I act normal, well, I try but I fail. So I end up acting the way I talked about earlier. If I've acted this way around you, I apologise.
This is a bit of an odd post. It's a ramble that doesn't know how to end. So I'll end on a happier note.
It was the Bench's 40th anniversary yesterday and McBride and I performed a scene from 'His Dark Materials', The play where we met, and for that 10 minutes we were on stage together, I couldn't have thought of a more perfect place to be. In the arms of my hero, with my friends around me, supporting me, on a stage doing one of things I love most.
Now that makes my smile.