Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Mr McBride caught himself an unconditional place at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music And Drama!
That's in Glasgow
So for the next........length of time, I'll be miles away from the person who makes me smile the most.
But, I know that it's for the best and it's not fair on either of us if I trot along at his heels all the way to a place where i know no one, have no job, no life. It's better that I stay down here.
It's been over two years since we got together. But there's still a part of me that is worried he'll find someone up there that's better for him. I know there's prettier girls, funnier girls, sweeter girls. It's just a paranoia problem and will go away. I hope so anyway.
At least i get to keep him for 6 more months before the glittering lights call him away.

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