Monday, April 21, 2008


In a bid to be an Eco-warrior (If i was an Eco-warrior i would definitely have braids in my hair and wear my pants on the outside) I have brought a big shopper bag. I'm being constantly told about how plastic bags are ruining the world (just STOP making carrier bags and people won't use them, simple as) so i popped to my local shops and purchased a very pretty BIG bag.
then I had to go to somerfield to buy some grubgrub. This is where the point of this story actually begins.
Everything fitted rather splendidly into the bag, apart from a box of cheerios. now the point of the exercise was to not use shopping bags, so i just carried the box. new (and by now rather heavy) bag slung over my shoulder and a box of cheerios in he right arm. I think this looks perfectly normal. others seem to think it's odd. By the looks i was getting, you'd think i was leaving a trail of the god damn things whilst singing the final countdown at the top of my voice!
so what, never seen a 20 year old walk down the street eating cheerios straight out of the box before? (oh yeah, i forgot to state the eating part...oh well)
In other so called news, McBride has left for Scotland. At this very moment he is in a room full of people beating himself up in the name of drama! He's all exited because he has a cast for his Play in July. It's all go in McBride land!
Also, This needs to be said just in case i lash out at anyone. I haven't had any chocolate since Friday lunchtime. I decided to see if i could go the week McBride's not here without hugs, kisses or chocolate. So far, it's going well, only one major craving that was forgotten when family guy came on the TV. But I'm slightly worried that my hormone levels will drop and I'll be a limp and lifeless blob. With no endorphins in me, i may just start walking into stuff.
Of Course, Any Bumps and bruised will be reported.
And I wore criss cross tights out on Tuesday and sat in the sun for about an hour. now i have a very embarrassing criss cross tan on my legs! Woop de bloody doo!

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