Thursday, July 09, 2009


I'm in Scotland, typing this post out on a teeny weeny mac book. Which, if I do say so myself is the cutest little thing I've ever checked my facebook page on in my life.
Went to my favourite cake shop yesterday whilst walking around Edinburgh with Mr McBride. Check back on earlier posts if unaware of what I'm talking about, I ended up spending a tenner on cake. But (before i sound like a total heffer) that did include four slices of cake, a big bag of mixed bonbons and an Irn Bru (gotta stick with these Scottish traditions haven't we?) So I don't personally think that a tenner is a huge amount for what I got. You may think different, you may think "FAT COW! PUT DOWN THE FORK AND GO FOR A RUN!"
What else? Well we flew here, which was a novelty, i was doped up on Valium but the flight whizzed by i think. no sooner where we at 10,000 feet then we were descending again. it was weird that we were at the other end of the country in just over an hour. Even if we were slightly delayed and had to endure Big Brother in the airport waiting room.
Off into Glasgow tomorrow for McBride to look at houses and sign up to local doctors and dentists. Me and Liz Bird are heading to the shops while he dosses around dental practices. Primark is already calling me but All i can think about is "weight allowance, only 10kg allowed in hand luggage." But that thought is soon followed by "oh sod it. I'll just wear all the clothes I buy, they don't weigh me!" I can waddle through passport control and metaphorically give a two finger gesture and blow a raspberry! "Ha ha, got one over on you, angry person laughing at my passport photo."

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