Thursday, May 06, 2010

OAP (Old Angry Person)

I decided to treat myself today, so for lunch I popped in to Costa coffee and purchased a meatball panini and a peppermint tea. Scrummy Yummy Hot food. Let's face it, I'd worked blinking hard in that stock room all morning.
I hopped over the road (not literally, not like some weird bunnyfrog girl) and sat on a bench outside the cathedral. Once I'm down, I kind of float into my own little world, looking at the pretty flowers and playing angry birds on my phone. Then I hear a very loud beep.
Behind me is a parked car. On the other side of the road is a bus at the bus stop. Coming round the corner is a coach, and none of them are moving. The car shouldn't be there. It's parked in a spot that makes it impossible for the other to vehicles to budge. The coach is full of people, the bus has to stick to a schedule, and there's no one in the drivers seat of the car. Uh Oh, Spaghetti O's
The Coach driver is beeping at the car, his is making the woman in the passenger seat very upset and she starts shouting back at the coach. Out of kindness, the bus driver on the other side starts to (very slowly) reverse so the coach can get out. The coach (very slowly) pulls out and finally, an old man walks (very VERY slowly) out of the post office. 
The tine little old man walks straight out in front of the bus (which by this time is running late) and the driver beeps his horn. "Is that your car?" he shouts, in that weird talking-through-glass way you do. The old guys waves his stick and hurls some angry words in the general direction of the bus. What he says is unclear. He tottles over and gets into his car, nearly opening his door into a cyclist in the process. He climbs in and shouts at his wife. Why? who knows.
This is the moment when I get dragged in. I can honestly say, there were many people staring but I was not one of them. I was still playing angry birds for most of it, glancing up every now and then to see the commotion. (COMMOTION!!!!! sorry, private joke) The old man looks up in my direction and we lock eyes. Only for a split second but it's enough time for him to show me his middle finger! Charming man. I set out twenty minutes ago for a nice lunch and now suddenly I'm a part of this strange scene of motor anger.
What did I do wrong?

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