Sunday, August 26, 2012


I've got serious heartburn tonight.
It's the closset I've got to a hangover. I went out with friends last night and drank quite a bit. We ate Chinese food and laughed about the fact I can't eat mashed potato.
This morning I woke up with a slight twinge of a head ache. Uh oh I thought. In the end it was nothing but at the time I thought 'oh god, my first hangover. I must be getting old.'
Ever the hero, Cricket rolls over and lends me some advice...
'Ways to get rid of a hangover. First of all you need a shower. So go have a wee shower now. Then a big cup of coffee. That'll make you feel loads better...'
Kind of a given but he's not finished yet
'A big fry up is a must. Give you some fuel then after all that, if you still feel a bit pants,...

Have a big old poo!'

Lets just say I was fine with the first three.

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