Saturday, December 27, 2008

You tube scares me

So I'm in bed having a play on this new iphone gizmo wen I think back to a conversation I had with two friends only days ago. A chat about a you tube video called 'charlie bit me'. I hop onto you tube and found such a video. Basically a small boy puts his finger in his Kid brothers mouth then makes a fuss when he bites down. I actually laughed out loud and proceded to show everyone else in the room. Now every time I hear my name I want to say 'ow charley, that really hurt' But then I did the dangerous thing of browsing, and it made me lose a little faith in human intelligence. I found a guy called toast who's the worlds fastest clapper. A video of a small child getting stroppy with an unwanted present and that infamous video of Britneys biggest fan crying 'LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!'. Dude people are crazy.

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