Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Things I've worked out recently

1: The fewer manners you have, the more manners you demand.
 Come in, be arrogant, shout/swear/spit if you feel the need. Just don't give me a disgusted look if I get a little sarcastic/blunt. You don't automatically gain respect in any other walk of life. A shop floor is no different. Be rude to me, I'm not bothered, but don't demand respect when you haven't earned it.

2: Everyone has the same ring tone.
You hear it loud and clear. that familiar iPhone sound. It's usually either 'Strum' or 'Old Phone' (You can tell I'm an appleaddict) and without fail, half of the people in close proximity take their phone out of their pocket, myself included.

3: Language is changing.
Conversations seem to start with 'Yeah, no...' and finish with 'know what I mean?'
People say 'lol' instead of actually laughing.
Words with more than three syllables are rarely used in day to day conversations, and if by chance these words are present, they are often shortened.
Many words roll into one. I don't know become idunno.

4: The most universal lie in the world ever.
I have read and understand the terms and conditions. Tick

5: Technology isn't always a step forward.
I give you the Kindle. 'Buy once, read anywhere.' What like a book?

6: Glasgow is still in the grip of winter.
The weather men and the met office boffins has forecast more snow for us within the next week or so. My blankets are being used more than my tea cups. I miss my maxi dresses and sunglasses.

7: Time flies too quickly.
I've been here over six months. We're already a quarter of the way through 2011. I'll be 25 next year. McBride has got his braces off after 18 months. Tomorrow we'll be closer the this weekend than last weekend.

8: There's no real point to this post.
But thanks for reading.

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