Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wonder Woman

OK, so this is barely long enough a story to make a proper post with but it's made my entire week so I'll add descriptive padding.
So It's Sunday. After sipping freshly ground coffee beans ( a present from India) and munching on 6 slices of toast. McBride and I ponder on what to have for dinner. I know, discussing one meal as soon as another is complete. Utter madness.
We decide on spaghetti bolognaise so I prepare myself to go to Iceland (the store not the country) to get vitals. Mince, mushrooms and of course red wine. This is where the story really starts.
Picture my attire, if you will. Brown brogues, jeans, a new coat (A beautiful Fenchurch treasure reduced to £25) and a red 'Wonder Woman' t-shirt. I leave my building and head towards the main road. Iceland is only around the corner so I'm actually only outside for about  four minutes but it's four minutes I will remember forever.
There are two men outside the bookies. One is pointing at me and dancing as I walk towards him. I'm listening to Jamie T on my iPod as this moment and can't understand why he's smiling and dancing so much. Is it so loud that he can here it? I'm at a line in 'Sticks 'n Stones' that goes
'With the boys across the platform shouting "Lightweight P***k"..'
So I'm really hoping they can't hear it. I fumble in my pocket and press pause but the guy continues to dance. This is what I hear. (Imagine the Glaswegian accents please. It makes it more funny)
Wonder Woman's coming pal.
I can see pal
Yeah, Wonder woman... Then he breaks into the dance again and sings a theme tune. Only it's not the Wonder Woman theme. It's the A Team theme. Daa da da daa, da da daaa.
That's not Wonder Woman! you t**t, that's the song from Indiana Jones!
The dancing and singing finally stops and I continue to Iceland, do my shopping and head back. They're still outside and like deja'vu, he begins again. Daa da da daa, da da daa. His mate is now chatting with someone else. But turns and says 'No, that's not right you t**t' (nice term of endearment there) He then turns to his mate and asks how the theme tune to Wonder Woman goes. Genuine answer from new boy?
'Wonder Woman? Is that the woman who's a cat?'
I love it when a plan comes together.

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