Sunday, September 27, 2009

Podcast and Webcams

I've gone uber technical today and purchased a webcam! It was reduced and I thought 'Meh, why not'
I then got home, plugged the thing in and checked out Skype. It was free and I thought 'Meh, Why not'
Then I created my little 'WeeMee' You needed to upload some kind of profile image and i thought 'Meh, why not'
Now I'm waiting for McBride to arrive at his humble abode in Glasgow to tell him about it so he can say 'Meh, why not'
I've downloaded a shed load of AdamandJoe to my Iphone, (as well as a load of songs I'd forgotton about.) And I've been here most of the afternoon, Listening to Two chaps on a podcast. Kitten gave McBride a CD of Adam and Joe for his birthday and now I'm addicted. If you get a chance download podcast number 2. It's a very VERY funny review of and R Kelly song. (or should that be songs?)
What a lovely weekend it's been. It's warmer now than it was in July. I could say that this has been a perfect sunday full of sunshine and chilaxing. Only one thing missing.
But hopefully this evening He'll phone up for a chat and I'll think
Meh, Why not?
Love Him.

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