Monday, September 14, 2009


And so the countdown begins.
Scotland has called us again.Once again I'm on Liz Birds teeny tiny notebook with it's cute wee buttons and once again,I spent the day wandering around this beautiful city. (and yes, i did go to THAT chocolate shop.)
Friday is speeding towards us like a train. at 11.30 I'll be jumping on a train bound for grotty Portsmouth, the seven hour journey includes an underground scramble from Kings Cross to Waterloo, lots of angry commuters and two new unread books. Only one thing missing..
Yep, the time has come for us to go our seprate ways. thehouse where i spent so many hours has been packed up and shipped out. I've said goodbye to the Cat that stumbled into the kitchen and we used the last of the milk. all that's left of this 'era' is the good bye.
And god am I dreading that.
But still, Christmas is already on it's way. Let's behonest, you're starting to think about presents. My shop put their Christmas cards out over two weeks ago. And by the 20th December, He'll be back in my arms again. Right where he belongs.
I can't wait.

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